interruption - Colby Brock

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Summary; ' You have a daughter with colby and she is a daddy's girl and so when he is filming she will be crying and you can't stop her bc all she wants his him (she's like 10 months old ) ' - anonymous

Warnings; swearing, colby brock keep scrolling challenge

Word Count; 1.3k

You hold onto Lily's hands, watching as she leans one way, and then the other. She can keep herself upright, you know that. You and Colby have watched her sit up all by herself, you think it's the fact that you're breathing, that's making her tip off balance every now and then. Some part of you thinks that it's good for her to learn how to balance herself.

When she starts to fall to the right, she'll lean left, and vice versa. She'll get this small, determined look on her face before she gets herself upright again. Only for it to happen again with the same direction, or the other way. Every now and then, you have to help her get back up. But otherwise, she seems to be getting a good hang of it.

"I think she'll be a fantastic bull rider when she's older."

Colby looks up from his phone, eyebrows drawn in and face twisted. For a moment, he just stares at the balcony that's ahead of you guys, and then he looks at you, "Like those mechanical bulls?"

"Yes." you say, tilting your head as much as you can. You have limited range, since you're laying on the couch, "You know the one that Reggie is really bad at?"

"Oh." he says, "Ohhh."

You roll your eyes, not even bothering to ask him what the hell he was thinking of. You can feel Lily begin to try and pull her hands from yours, so you let it happen. Instead, you guide her waist to make sure she doesn't fall off of the couch. She seems to know what she wants, and you're not surprised for a second.

Lily leans towards Colby, one hand outstretched in his direction. He notices, and places his phone off to the side, it looks like he was mid-text to Sam. Colby reaches over, scooping Lily off of your lap and holding her to his chest, "What's the matter, Princess?"

She doesn't make any noise, and heads straight to placing her head on Colby's shoulder, head facing away from you. Colby doesn't seem very bothered, and with one hand beneath her bottom to keep her where she is, he reaches for his phone to finish off the text he was working on.

"Sam's ready to film, I think." he says, eyes flickering to you, "He's coming over here."

"How loud do you think you'll be?" you ask, pushing yourself up and stretching. The back of your neck hurts slightly from the angle you were laying at.

"Not very loud, I promise."

You yawn, and then stand up from the couch, "Sounds like it's naptime then."

Colby carefully gets to his feet, cradling Lily in his arms. He presses a kiss to her temple, and then carefully peels her from his chest and hands her over to you. Just before he lets you to go the room, he kisses you softly. After that, you're gentle on your feet when getting to the bed.

You'd love a nap right now. Lily has been getting out of the habit of waking you two up late at night, but that doesn't mean she still doesn't do it sometimes. You close the door behind you entirely, and don't even bother with turning on the light. For a while, you just walk around the room, bouncing Lily and hoping that she's falling asleep.

With how she slowly eases to relaxation, you know it's working. It's just a matter of time before she's completely ready to lay down in her crib. And she'll sleep for a while, because she's pretty tired too. No matter how loud Colby and Sam will be in the living room, she's bound to stay asleep.

When you first had Lily, your mom gave you a tip to not be quiet while Lily's sleeping so she doesn't become a light sleeper. She understands that getting her to sleep is different, but what comes after is a crucial part. Too little noise will make Lily wake up at the smallest of things, and a lot of noise is bound to make her sleep through shit like fire alarms.

It's one more time around the room before you're finally laying her down in the crib, grimacing because you don't want her to jolt up. But, she lays down fine and sighs when she lands on the bed. You hover for a few seconds longer before moving on to the bed.

You flop onto it, not even bothering to pull the blankets over yourself, because the room is already warm and you know you can fall asleep right here if you want to. You place your phone on the nightstand, and listen to the noise in the living room. Sam probably came in a few minutes ago.

They're talking, and laughing. It's like a gentle lullaby, and you're on the brink of sleeping when you hear the first huff in the room. You stop breathing for a second, eyebrows drawing in while you wait for the next noise. You hope it's just Lily sighing in her sleep like she normally does, until there's a hiccup.

Please, no. It hasn't been more than ten minutes.

There's a sniff, and you brace yourself for the wail. When it comes, it's loud and you can hear the boys go silent in the other room. With a tough breath out, you roll over to look at Lily. Her face is beginning to turn red, and there's tears welling in her eyes. She's nowhere near done, and this is just the beginning.

Before she can scream again, you're out of bed and reaching for her. She lets you pick her up, but in no way does she calm down. She's sobbing, and wailing. You bounce her, and shush and hum and try to coax her into a state of silence so Colby can film with Sam. But the longer that time goes on, the more you begin to realize that it's not happening.

"You want dad that bad, huh?" you ask, fixing a stray curl on her forehead, "He's filming, honey."

She doesn't care, and you know that.

You go ahead and grab your phone again, still trying to shush her. Once she realizes that you're heading towards the door, she quiets down a little. Back when she first started to do this, you'd be fooled and head right back to the crib. Only to get a nice ringing in your ear as soon as she noticed that you were going the opposite way of what she wanted.

Colby and Sam are waiting patiently on the couch when you appear in the hallway. Sam's laughing to himself, and you can see that the camera is on and filming them. They both look past the lens and to you, though. And once Colby sees the miserable expression on your face, his lips are turning down.

"Hey." he says, you start your way over, and you're glad when Lily settles, "I can take her."

"Are you sure?" you ask, stopping just outside of the camera view.

"Yeah, the fans love her. It'll be fun content."

"Yeah?" Sam asks, there's still a grin on his face.

"Shut up, they adore her." Colby's reaching out, almost mirroring how Lily's looking. You hand her over, and almost immediately, Lily's calming down.

And the second he has her pressed against his chest, she's laying her head against his shoulder. First, he gives you a 'really' look, and then the camera. You sputter out a small laugh.

"Wake me if she's too much trouble." you tell him.

"I will. Sweet dreams." he says, rubbing your daughter's back.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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