accident - Colby Brock

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I'm not accepting requests on here. If you want to request then you can go to my blog on Tumblr, azurebrock.

You love going to conventions with the guys for so many reasons. The main one being meeting the fans, and watching as Colby gets all excited when they give him gifts. He'll turn and look at you, hold it up like an excited kid on christmas, and then talk to the fan for a bit.

The fans are so nice, and hearing their stories on what they've been through. How you and Colby have helped them through their hardest times... it's just so satisfying knowing that you can change others lives.

Give them a reason to live. Or a platform where they can make some of their bestest friends. Because we all know how friendly people can be when it comes to certain fandoms. To make friends like that means friends for life. People that check up on you constantly.

You love the fact that this is your job. That this is what you've worked towards all this time. To make a difference in someone's life, even if it's not your own.

"Hey," Colby's voice is soft as he bounces towards you. His hand cups your cheek for a moment before giving you a kiss. When he pulls away, he frowns a little bit, "Your lips are blue."

"Is that why you kissed me?" You tease a little, and Colby smiles lightly, "And yeah it's pretty freezing in here, I was expecting the AC to drop off sometime. But it just keeps going."

"If you're so cold, why didn't you just say something? Come here." Colby carefully sheds his jacket, "You don't have to suffer."

"I like the suffer." You tell him, purely just for his reaction. You laugh to yourself when you see his face twist, before he grins a little. He leans in, going to your ear.

"I'll remember that later." He whispers, you can feel your face heating up at the thought of that. When he leans away, he goes to drape the jacket around your shoulders, but he stops, "Who did this?"

Your eyebrows raise as you look for what he's talking about, "What?"

"Who hurt you?" He raises your arm so you can see that a clear pair of finger nail marks go down your arm. In fact, you're bleeding because of how deep they are.

"Huh, didn't realize that they were there." You mutter, shrugging a little bit, "it was probably an accident."

"Did one of the fans grab you like that?" He asks, not letting it go so easily, "We need to get that washed, (Y/n)."

"I think? I don't remember getting it at all." You tell him, watching as he flags Sam over.

"I'm gonna take them to the bathroom, someone cut them." Colby frowns at the words.

Sams eyes pan down to the scratch on your arm and he grimaces, "Ouch, yeah. I've got it, take your time."

You wave to Sam, and take Colby's hand. Over his arm is the jacket.

"You're sure your fine?" Colby asks.

"Yup." You chirp, leaning over to kiss Colby again, "All better."

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