Missing Prank - Sam Golbach

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I am NOT taking requests on Wattpad, if you want to have a request done, you'll have to go to my Tumblr; Quinn-Imagines. This is just so I keep my priorities straight.

Summary; "Could we get a Sam Golbach imagine where the reader and him are dating and the reader pulls a girlfriend missing prank on him just like Devyn did to Corey?"

Warnings; angst, swearing

Word Count; 1,529 words

Pronouns; Female


There's not a lot of mistakes your boyfriend has made so far in your relationship. For the most part, he's been absolutely perfect, better than you thought you two could ever be together.

You two moved to LA together, with his best friend. And to ensure that you didn't end up in an apartment with some random roommates, he made it so you could live with him and his best friend. Even though his best friend is also a good friend of yours, you're surprised that he said yes so easily.

You'd think that having a couple in the house that you live in would be a little awkward. But he didn't seem to mind it as much as you expected him to. So, that's always an upside to things.

And then you, Sam and Colby then moved into the trap house, with Corey, Elton, Devyn and Aaron. Along with the pets, which was a little hectic on top of that. You shared your room with your boyfriend, Sam. So, you weren't really robbed of any rooms in the house.

After that, things seemed to go smoothly. Him and Colby started a rhythm when it came to going out and exploring abandoned places. To the point where you'd see him in the mornings, while you helped him come up with video ideas. And he'd be gone during the night, but would come back early in the morning.

Every time he'd come back while you were still awake, he'd almost always scare the absolute ass out of you. And it wasn't very fun when he did it either. Two in the morning, dark as hell in the room as you edited the videos.

More often than not, a blanket would be pulled over your shoulders as you sat hunched over the laptop. Earbuds in, playing loud music as you'd bop around. He'd always catch you at the times you'd be closing down, wrapping up for the day.

His hands would grab the sides of your arms as he'd shake you slightly. Every now and then he'd make a growling noise to go along with it, trying to scare you shitless. There was only one time when you screamed, and that was because you hadn't seen him come in at all. Much less out of the corner of your eye, which is what you normally see, and saves you from waking the entire house.

The only time Sam has messed up in your relationship, was only recently. And thankfully, it wasn't anything too entirely big, like you'd be anticipating. Waiting for something to maybe ruin the romance, fingers crossed that it wasn't terrible.

You don't remember who started the prank war exactly, but it was one of the roommates for sure. And since they started that, it meant that everyone was going to be diving headfirst into this gigantic thing that no one would be able to escape. The only person who has been able to stay out of it so far, has been Aaron.

Although, you're sure his reign of peacefulness isn't going to last very long. Yes, he's basically the big friendly giant of the house. But there's no way he isn't sitting around, cooking up ideas to use against you guys. He was a Viner like the rest of you, and pranks were a common thing to happen in those six second videos.

However, despite the fact that he isn't really participating, he's been able to pick apart the pranks pretty easily. Like he's grown immune to the bullshit around him. It also seems as though he isn't the only one either. You've seen Colby catch on sometimes, but still play along in order not to ruin it for everyone else.

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