eyes for you - Colby Brock

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I am NOT taking requests on Wattpad, if you want to have a request done, you'll have to go to my Tumblr; LightenUpBrock. This is just so I keep my priorities straight.

Summary; "Can you do where the reader is colbys photographer and he likes her but won't say it so when she photographs another guy he gets jealous and says how he feels" - anonymous

Warnings; swearing, fluff

Word Count; 1,421 words



By far, you love your job. And you wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. If you told your younger self that you'd be working as this instead of a lawyer though, your younger self would've yelled at you and told you that you're an idiot and to get a better job.

You're not your younger self though. You're much older, and you grew out of the expectations your parents put on you when you were a child. Instead you followed your dreams—how cheesy—and became a photographer. And to be quite honest, you get pretty good money from it.

Of course, you could be making more money as a lawyer. But then again, you would have to go to school for a while and work your way up the ranks. Being a photographer doesn't mean you have to study for all that bullshit. It just means you have to have a good eye when it comes to photography.

You'll shut up about that.

Instead, you'll talk about how you accidentally told a couple of people to come to your studio back to back. Instead of having an hour to thirty minutes in-between sessions. You're not necessarily over booked. But you are working a little faster to get those pictures taken.

And you're a little impressed with yourself, because they're not turning out too terribly bad. In fact, you think that you should work like this every single day.

Just kidding, you'd probably want to quit this 'dream job' of yours.

The door opens, revealing one of your good friends that has been going to you since you were recommended by one of your old 'clients'. Quotation marks, since client isn't the right word. You could call him a model, but you're sure that would inflate his ego more than it already was.

"Hey, Colby." You smile at him, "I gotta finish up here, but feel free to get ready."

Colby smiles at you, and then his eyes slowly drag over to the guy sitting in the chair. He isn't ugly looking, in fact, Colby thinks he's a little more good-looking than he is.

His stomach turns slightly with nausea and annoyance at that thought. The fact that you'd be taking pictures of other guys like him. Other shirtless guys, no less.

He knew that you were a photographer, he knew that you'd have to take pictures of other guys. But he didn't think that they'd also be shirtless like he normally is. Instead, he thought that they would have a shirt on or something.

Maybe he should follow behind that thought, stop being shirtless in every single photo that he has taken of him.

"Ryan, can you move a little more to your left?" you ask sweetly, and Ryan slides over a little bit, offering you the perfect angle, "Great, and after this you can put your jacket back on, take a couple pictures of that, and then we'll call it a day."

Ryan looks so smug with himself when you finish taking pictures. Making sure to make the last couple with the jacket on, the most attractive that he can. However, he's a little bummed when you don't even show a hint of you being into him.

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