Colby Brock Blurb #7

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I am NOT taking requests on Wattpad, if you want to have a request done, you'll have to go to my Tumblr; Quinn-Imagines. This is just so I keep my priorities straight.

UM this is the post-it note prank, and I um, this is cute just enjoy it :)

"You guys... covered my room in sticky notes?" Colby asks, laughing between his words as he places his fist against his mouth. Slowly, he starts to look around his room. Taking in all of the colors that are plastered on his walls.

"Yup," Sam chirps, "Got help from everyone, but mainly (Y/n),"

After Sam nudges your shoulder, you let out a smal nervous laugh, offering Colby a soft smile, "Oops,"

"I thought you were Team Colby!" He pouts playfully, and you shrug.

"Anyway," Sam slowly says, giving you a look, "There's a special hidden note in the room. Gotta find it,"

"What if I don't?" Colby jokes, starting towards his desk area.

"Then you're missing out on something big," Devyn comments.

Butterflies swarm your stomach as you clasp your hands behind your back. Your eyes are locked on him as he goes around the room, until he eventually stops in front of one of them.

"What?" He asks, plucking the blue post-it note from the wall and slowly turning towards you guys as he reads it. For a second, your heart is stuck in your throat, and you're afraid of his response.

He has to read it out loud before it clicks; "Will you go out with me... (Y/n)..." then he looks up from the note to you, with a pretty big grin after his brain finally registers the words

"Seriously?" He asks, "This isn't a prank inside of a prank?"

"Seriously," you nod, still nervous.

He crosses the room in two short strides, his arms wrapping around you as he twirls you slightly. It isn't until you're placed back onto your feet, where he kisses you out of the blue.

"Yeah! Obviously," he laughs into your hair.

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