Better (Part Two) Colby Brock

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I am NOT taking requests on Wattpad, if you want to have a request done, you'll have to go to my Tumblr; Quinn-Imagines. This is just so I keep my priorities straight.

Summary; "Colby has to clean up the mess he and Lorena made. And after starting on his friends, he decides to go to you next."

Warnings; angst, fluff, swearing

Word Count; 2,645 words

Pronouns; Female


A week after David's party, you'd find yourself back in your apartment. Everything seemingly put back on track after what had happened. People finally happy that Lorena is out of the picture.

Well, 'out of the picture'. Because you, and everyone else knew that she wasn't going to be gone for good. Unlike what everyone had hoped what was going to happen.

Colby hasn't talked to her since they broke up, which was the night of the party. When he was getting spammed with pictures and videos on how she acted around everyone. Needless to say, he was embarrassed. Even more than you've ever seen him like that before.

However, Lorena didn't just want to call it quits after everything got thrown back into her face. She wanted her fame, and she's going to do whatever it takes to get back to where she was before. And so far, it isn't working.

Everyone in your friend group has decided not to even mention Lorena at all. Which has so far confused the fans. Until Colby cleared it up with the fact that they broke up. And he'd prefer if anything having to do with them being together, is gone.

There are still tons of edits and fanart. But that's going to be expected until he comes around and tells is entire fanbase that it really needs to be cut off. Because not only was she a total bitch, he doesn't want to hear about her ever again.

Not everyone it going to listen, and he knows that. Hell, Lorena is going around right now, telling people that they're still together. And that this is a prank planned for his next video. Which doesn't make sense, but you're not going to get into it.

She's just going to be grasping at straws that have nothing behind them. She really managed to fuck herself over with this one.

You're sure that if she hadn't ended up being a bitch to everyone that he's friends with, that they'd still be together. She was all sweet to him, and apparently, he'd fallen in love with that side of her.

Naturally, you're not surprised. Because you'd been the same way towards Colby. Though, the difference between you and Lorena, was that you didn't come with a split personality. That tried to separate him from everyone he knows and has grown to love.

Going off of that, there is a grudge between a couple of people and Colby right now. But he should've seen that coming with all the signs that they were throwing his way. Hell, Lorena was giving off heavy vibes that she was going to end up doing this.

Not to mention the first night you met her, and how he went around to his own friends and asked how they felt about her. As you did say, they didn't say exactly what she was like to them. However, they did express that she was in fact, a horrible person and that he should stop, drop, and roll.

Sometimes you feel bad for Colby, because even though he's an adult, and should be able to take care of himself. He doesn't really pay attention to the little things that people try to give him subtly. All of this could've been avoided if he'd just read between the lines a little bit.

Plus, you'd think he'd be good at shit like this because he's always careful when it comes to exploring. But that's also a different scenario because it's sometimes life or death. Then again, in this case, it's life or death with his friendships.

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