Pinky Promise - Corey Scherer

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I am NOT taking requests on Wattpad, if you want to have a request done, you'll have to go to my Tumblr; Quinn-Imagines. This is just so I keep my priorities straight.

Summary; Corey confesses that he likes Reader at a party, and she's a little more than hesitant to believe him.

Warnings; swearing, drinking

Word Count; 1,252 words

Pronouns; Female


Moving in with the Trap House was pretty much a good idea from afar, but when it actually happened, a part of you died inside.

Not because you didn't like it, hanging around them all the time was actually hella cool, and you're happy that you ended up doing it after all. At first, you thought that it was a dumb idea, especially with how expensive the house was.

Then it all clicked, all of your Youtube careers started to pay for themselves, and the entire house was paid for.

However, you got stuck with the shortest end of the stick and got stuck with the smallest room in the entire house. While Corey, got the master bedroom.

Needless to say, you still shit on them sometimes for that fact, you'd gotten the smallest bedroom, when in reality you should've switched it out for Elton's room after he'd moved out.

You did deserve it more than Jake did, the most Jake did with decorating, was a bed, nightstand, couch and desk that could've fit into that tiny room. While on the other hand, you got stuck with cramming everything into that room.

Not to mention, the house started to smell like ass from the stuff they'd do for their videos. You cover your nose every time you open the fridge, and even after trying to bleach the entire thing from top to bottom, it still smelt like it came out of the sewer.

The guys blame it on you as a joke, but you all know that it was a conjoined effort.

Anyway, something else that wasn't necessarily a perk, was developing a crush on Corey. It started off small, as they all do. Since you didn't know any of the guys good enough, but it was like the universe liked to have you two in the room together.

The second problem with that, is that since you do have a crush on him, it's like a fight to keep yourself from blurting it out every now and then. There will be absolutely perfect times where you could say it, and you know it. But there's that intense sliver of anxiety that's always holding you by the back collar of your shirt.

You're glad that it's there, it saves you some pretty stupid times you could've confessed. But sometimes you don't want to be choking every second of the day, watching as he eyes girls and flirts with a couple that grow the balls.

It's a pain in the ass to swallow the jealously. Like razor blades goes down your throat, making sure to leave their mark the entire way down. Every time you tell yourself it'll be the last time, but then it happens again and again.

Which had lead to you becoming a little insecure over how you're going to tell him. The scars from the jealous had left their mark, as you saw what type of girls were into him, and how he responded back to them.

However, tonight it's all going to change, and you promised yourself that it would be the last time.

And since you know that promising isn't always the best way to keep it, you pinky-promised yourself. And everyone knows you can't just break a pinky-promise, it's basically against the law.

So, tonight at this party, you're going to find Corey at some point during the night and tell him.

But before you can do that, there's three steps to the process.

One, drink enough to get you a little drunk. Not too much to where you're confessing your heart out, you just want him to know your feelings. If he doesn't return them, it's going to be more than just awkward.

Two, work up the courage, but since you'll be drunk, that should be easier done than said. It makes it seem like you'll be sitting around forever, waiting for the perfect time to come. When in reality, after you start feeling the buzz, you're going to flock to him easily.

And three, confess and don't make an absolute ass out of yourself in the process. If he doesn't end up liking you back, then you most definitely don't want to make yourself look like you're desperate.

You are, but it's not something you just show off.

Looking down at your cup, you see that there's a little bit left. Maybe if you down this quickly, you'll be able to get yourself the rest of the vodka that's in the kitchen. Or maybe not, because that might end up having roofies in it.

There very well could be some alcohol hiding in some cabinets, so after this you could snoop a little. Just to keep the train going, and move on smoothly to step two, no problems in sight.

Just as you start to sip down the rest of your drink, you see Corey come out of the crowd. He looks a little disheveled, sweat running down his forehead. But there's a grin on his face.


Choking on your drink for a second, you lower the cup and start coughing, a burning sensation flowing up from your throat to your nose. Corey pats your back slightly.

Great move, making a dumbass out of yourself.

"You alright?" He asks.

"Fine," you voice is strained as you set the cup down and force a smile in his direction, holding down a cough, "What's up?"

"Just came to check on you," he says, offering you a smile, while he looks off to the crowd, "Making sure you're not having too much fun,"

"I'm just drinking in the corner," you snort, and he laughs slightly, "You went in there deep, are you having fun in there? Find any girls that caught you eye?"

The question is painful, but maybe if he finds another girl, then this crush will get over itself, and you can move on with your life. However, you're sure it's not going to happen like that, but you can always hope.

Fingers crossed, right?

"Well, yeah, but I'm not sure about it," He says, looking at you again.

You squint your eyes at him, laughing lightly, "What the hell does that mean? Go get her!"

"Are you sure?" He asks, his face holds this grin that you've never seen before.

It makes your heart swell with happiness when you see it. It's like a ray of sunshine in this dark room. The other part of your heart deflates slightly, though. Since he did find a girl. But as long as he's happy, you're happy.

"Duh," you nudge him, "Go get her,"

He turns to you fully, and there's a look in his eyes, "The girl is you, (Y/n),"

Your heart wants to explode, but your body stops, and it feels like you go numb.

He better not be joking, because if he is, you're not drunk enough to take it as one.

"Deadass?" You ask, looking up at him with a look.

He laughs, rubbing the back of his neck, glancing behind him for a second, and then he focuses on you again, "Deadass,"

"Pinky promise?"

Your face feels hot, and you know he can't see it because the room is dark, and for once, you're happy that it is. It saves you from the embarrassment of him pointing it out.

He takes your pinky, and when he does, he pulls you forward slightly, making you just close enough for him to nearly kiss you. But before he does, he whispers; "Pinky promise."

Trap House ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora