cursed staircase - Sam Golbach

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I am NOT taking requests on Wattpad, if you want to have a request done, you'll have to go to my Tumblr; LightenUpBrock. This is just so I keep my priorities straight.

Summary; "can you do a fic of sam where he's dating the reader, and he's doing a 3am challenge with his friends, and he somehow gets hurt and reader is not only freaked out because of the game but because sam is hurt and wants to stop to help his injury/wound and it's like, all soft n fluffy but also spooky?" - anonymous

Warnings; swearing, spooky & fluff

Word Count; 2,116 words



You knew that one day you'd get dragged into one of Sam's scary videos, but you really didn't want it to be a 3AM one. For many, many reasons. And the first reason is that you're really not looking forward to being haunted for the rest of your life. The second reason is is that you absolutely fucking hate scary shit, it's one of the worst things that he can make you do.

But you got dragged into it anyway. And since he lives an apartment now, he can't necessarily do anything inside of it. Which would be a saving grace, you were absolutely sure of it when he finally got the damn thing. That everything haunted would come to a stop.

And then he was introduced to Airbnb's and to be completely honest with yourself, and everyone else that's listening, you cannot fathom the idea of meeting the person who told him about it. Because thanks to them, you're now going to be not only dragged along to the trip. But you're also going to be taking part in it.

Of course, you could've told Sam a hard no when he asked for you to play with him and his friends. But the look he was giving you... that fucking man knows the right look to give you in order for you to say yes. You're not sure if it was a puppy-eyed look or something else. It doesn't matter at this point anymore, because that's your weakness.

And now he knows it. And he's been using it against you all day today to try and help him out when it comes to setting up. You have no idea what it is you guys are going to be doing today, but you're just hoping to god that it's not anything bad. However, some people in this group knows what's going on. And some of them can't whisper quickly.

You lost your mind when you heard the word 'blood'.

What kind of game are you guys going to be 'playing' that includes blood? Why did he have to choose that one in the first place too? As if it'll be a good idea to do or whatever, but he already knows that you're not necessarily doing this willingly. It's all for him, because you love to support him on what he wants to do.

This blood sacrifice shit, isn't it chief. And you're really not looking forward to doing it. Hopefully it won't turn into the scene from IT where they cut their palms and then hold hands like the devil children they are.

Blood oath or not, that shit is freaky.

"Stand here," Sam moves you off to the side slightly, also placing you in front of everyone.

You're guessing it's so that the fans will be able to see your reaction clearly. As if that's going to make you feel better or something. It just means that he probably chose a game that you once upon a time told him you'd never play. And since you've blindly agreed to play earlier, you might as well have dug your grave.

Sam does his intro, you nod every now and then. When he promotes his merch, he points to you, since you're wearing one of his sweatshirts—the house is cold as fuck by the way—and since he did that, you thought that was it. It's not because he wanted to get your reaction on camera.

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