bills - Colby Brock

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You never thought that you would be angry at Colby to this extreme, especially since your life with him has always been so smooth. You two just get along like the both of you should, and because of that, there really was no reason for either of you to fight.

For one, there wasn't time for it. Colby is very busy most days, as are you to try and keep up with the amount of money he makes every single day, compared to your weekly salary. And the fact that nothing came up. You two would work through little inconveniences rather than fight about it.

Teaming up against the world instead of turning against each other. It's how you made it this far with him. How he and Sam have managed to stay friends all this time. You guys don't let the world knock you down, instead, you walk right on through it.

However, it seems like both of you have accidentally made a really big mistake. And Colby is absolutely refusing to take part of it as his own fault. You're sure that you told him that you would be getting your paycheck on the second week of the month this time around–because your boss is trying a new system.

But Colby didn't hear it as that, and when he went and took a trip for his videos, he spent the money that would have gone towards the bills. Leaving the both of you in a little hole, with a notice saying that if the bills aren't paid in the next couple of days, then there will be an extra hundred dollar fee.

Colby finally puts down the paper, turning to look at you with resentment in his eyes. He's clearly pissed off, and it's directed at you. He's told you three times already, that if you were a little louder when you talked to him, then problems like this wouldn't ever happen. But from your perspective, he just needs to pay attention when people are talking to him.

"This is all your fault." Colby says to you.

Involuntarily, your mouth drops open at the sentence. He's never blamed you for anything, so to hear this shit coming out of his mouth is a whole new deal, "My... you do realize that you have some fault to this too, right?"

"I don't. You should've told me."

Yeah, you're not going to stand for this, "Colby, don't be fucking stupid." you hiss, losing your patience, "Maybe if you'd actually listen to me when I speak, this shit wouldn't happen. Or–"

Colby tries to cut you off, "–don't–"

"Or!" your voice is louder than his, "you could have double checked with me first! Before you bought the fucking tickets, and the hotel room and shit. But instead, you're going to blame it on me."

Colby doesn't stare at you, and you roll your eyes. Scooping up your keys, phone and wallet before trying to leave the apartment.

Colby's voice stops you, and it's quiet, "Wait–" you hesitate at the door, turning to look at him, "please don't leave. I'm sorry–"

"We work together, remember?" you shut the door, and he nods slightly, "Not against each other."

"Together," he agrees, holding out his arms for you, "I'm sorry."

"I forgive you," you hug him, placing your head on his chest.

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