love story - Reggie Webber

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I'm not accepting requests on here. If you want to request then you can go to my blog on Tumblr, azurebrock.

Summary; "hola! can i fget a reggic fic where the reader is a writer and shes working on a new story and she's slowly starting to find that her main character's love interest is very similar to reggie so the reader thinks she might have feelings for him and when reggie finds it and reads it he confesses his feelings to her. pls and thx also ur wiriting is graet"

Warnings; angst with fluff

Word Count; 1,901 words


You'd only agreed to becoming roommates with Reggie because of the fact that it would be a lot cheaper. Plus, you two are pretty good friends, so there wouldn't be a reason for you not to. Especially since he was the one to offer to have you move in with him after your lease was up.

Tara jokes about him having a soft spot for you, because he's always supposedly mean. But he was just being nice about it. So you'd both be saving money on living together. In reality, he'd done it for his own benefit.

You were just lucky that your lease had managed to end when it did, because you're sure that if anyone had that same situation, then he would've extended that same curtesy.

Anyway, living with Reggie isn't that hard. Some days you can hardly tell that you live with him, or that he's in the house. The only times he really makes himself noticeable is when he's editing or making a video.

You mostly keep to yourself, because you have your own goals to be achieving. While all your friends seem to have hit the sweet spot with their careers—whether it be music or YouTube—you're still striving to catch up.

It shouldn't be too long now, you're almost halfway through writing this book. In no time, you'll be published and be taking in all the money possible.

For now, you'll stick to your daytime job of that stupid Starbucks café. Which is as miserable as it sounds, it seems like every adult is entitled these days. The only people that you look forward to talking to is the teenagers. Since they're the most polite.

It's just how the world goes, when the kids grow up with more manners than anyone else seems to have these days. You can't remember the last time a full grown adult has said the words please or thank you.

God, the idea of finally being able to just sit around and write everyday of your life is absolutely lovely. You seriously can't wait for the day to roll around when it happen.

As any other young adult novel is written, the book is a coming of age story, with a love interest of course. However, unlike some other authors you know, you're not going to make the book completely horrible. Giving it a bad name for generations to come.

Instead, you've given it a realistic setting. With realistic standards. And nothing ridiculous like a sparkly vampire. Not to point fingers or anything.

You've been told plenty of times before not to revise until the next draft, but you like to go back and review at least two chapters before you get into the next one. If anything that you might've missed in a sleep-deprived craze, and then continue on with how many others you can get done.

It's a lot of information to be fitting into so little chapters, so there's been a couple of times where you'd completely accidentally missed some of the information that was dire to the story.

Since it's a coming of age story, you set it in high school. And since that wasn't too many years ago, it's not that hard to write. You'd set it in the setting of your hometown, with a school that's similar to the one that you went to. Just as a reference, since you're sure that all schools are pretty much different. You're just going off of your old ways.

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