Illuminate - Jake Webber

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I am NOT taking requests on Wattpad, if you want to have a request done, you'll have to go to my Tumblr; Quinn-Imagines. This is just so I keep my priorities straight.

Summary; Miscommunication leads to the reader getting lost inside of the hospital, and Jake is losing his marbles.

Warnings; swearing

Word Count; 1,200 words

Pronouns; Female/Male


Maybe it was the fact that you and Jake haven't gone exploring with the boys before. Well, you have, but Jake wasn't as familiar as you were with walking around abandoned places.

The thing is when you're with just Sam and Colby, you're always doing something to scare them in some way. It never works, of course, simply because the guys know where you've gone.

Maybe a door or two down, Sam has watched you go inside, and a second later your head pops out anyway. So, there's really no need to be worried about you.

But when Jake was added into the mix, you didn't really pull the same shenanigans, you didn't want him to be worried. Even though there would be no reason to be. Or for him to end up grumpy or something, which never happens.

What ended up happening, is that you stuck by his side for most of the exploration because you didn't want to run off as per usual. Plus, there was the fact that this is a hospital and that you guys know that other people are either in this building or are coming in and out.

You four have heard noises, and even though Sam and Colby aren't as worried about it, you and Jake are. Buildings don't normally creak this much unless there's wind being blown on it, or there's someone else wandering around, with not-so-good intentions.

But there was a miscommunication somewhere along the way, on where you guys would be heading next. You thought you guys would be heading back downstairs because they wanted to try and find the morgue.

What you didn't hear, was that they were going to go and look for that last. So, ultimately you ended up accidentally going downstairs, while they went upstairs.

A whole floor between you guys, which made communication especially difficult.

Of course, you searched the entire base floor, looking everywhere for them, even though they should've been right behind you with your logic. And by the time you got upstairs, you were practically shaking from how nervous you'd gotten.

Irrational thoughts flooded your mind. What if they'd left you there? What did you do to deserve that...? Or, what if they were hiding from you, giggling in some room waiting for you to come back and search again.

Or maybe they did head down to see the morgue. But there was no way in hell you were going to go down there alone. You don't even want to go down there with them three, so what would be the logic of searching there?

Yes, you want to find them again, but there was some uneasy feeling that kept telling you to go back to the floor you'd last seen them and stay put.

If only you remembered how many turns, you'd taken, and what stairwell you'd gone up. In no time, you were lost inside of the hospital, and the only hope you had of being found was gone.

It was like there was a hole in your chest as you slid down the wall, arms wrapping around your legs in an effort to get them to stop trembling so hard. All in all, you were a shaking, sobbing mess as you waited for them to come back and rescue you.

Jake wasn't having much fun either, and he and the boys also happened to get lost. Even though it wasn't that complicated. They'd taken two right turns, and one left turn. In which order? They'd have to quickly find out if they wanted you before you descended into that madness, you're on the brink of.

Sam's trying to calm Jake down, all while Colby is trying to trace their steps back the way they came. Originally, they thought you were pulling your little joke, but had taken it a step further.

But one too many steps later, they realized that you weren't even on the same floor as them. And they refused to go back down until they'd searched the floor completely, and then found the stairwell they came from.

There were two points in time when the boys were standing in the room directly above you. But they couldn't hear your quiet sobs and pleas for them to hurry back to you.

It was dark downstairs, and your phone battery was dying quickly.

Jake takes in another shaky breath, rubbing his hands together in an effort to keep them from his hair. A nervous habit that he accidentally picked up from being a Youtuber.

Along with the hair flip to the side to get it out of his face.

"Guys," Jake warns, looking between his two friends.

"We can go back downstairs," Colby says, scratching his arm absentmindedly, "But we have to find the staircase,"

"Fuck the staircase—" Jake nearly snaps, rubbing his hands over his face to conceal the tears that are threatening to fall.

Instead, he rubs them all over his face, but in reality, it's better than having them run down his face.

He didn't know that you meant this much to him. Yes, he loves you to the moon and back, but he thought that it wasn't this bad. It is though, he's fallen for you harder than he has for any other.

"We have to go down the right one or else we'll end up on the other side of the building," Colby hisses back.

Jake nods in response, no longer willing to put up a fight. He shoves his hands into his jean pockets in order to get his hands to stop shaking, but he can't.

"Okay, let's go find it then."

After sitting for so long, you felt uncomfortable, the dark was creeping up closer and closer. And you felt safer walking around, anyway, sitting in the corner of the room made you feel vulnerable.

Humming a song to yourself, it's shaky, and you have to take pauses in-between because of the crying.

All you want is Jake.

Right when you turn the corner for a hallway, your phone dies. And the darkness starts to swallow you up, your throat closing tightly, tears starting to spring into your eyes again.

"Jake?" You ask hopefully, knowing that there will be no answer, "Please?"

You can just barely see through the hallway, and you're constantly looking behind you just in case there's something back there. And it's not until you've turned yet another corner, when you see them walking away from you.

"Jake!" You sob, running towards him with your arms out.

He turns around, flashlight in hand to illuminate behind him. The second you're close enough, he takes you into a tight, warm embrace.

The conversation between Sam and Colby suddenly stop, as a stunned silence goes between them. But it's quickly interrupted by your quiet sobs of relief.

Jake is whispering things to you, pulling you tighter with every second as he tries to calm you down. While also calming himself down, telling himself that you're right in front of him. There's no reason to be worried anymore.

"I've got you," He whispers, kissing your cheek before he places his head back against yours, sniffling, "You're safe again."

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