Miserable - Sam Golbach

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I am NOT taking requests on Wattpad, if you want to have a request done, you'll have to go to my Tumblr; Quinn-Imagines. This is just so I keep my priorities straight.

Summary; "Could we get a Sam Golbach imagine where the reader is Kat's sister and the reader likes Sam and it's super angsty and sad?"

Warnings; angst

Word Count; 1,265 words

Pronouns; Female


Your sister didn't bother introducing you to her boyfriend until she knew that your guys' parents weren't going to lose it when they first met him. You'd known of him beforehand, of course. After all, you were the first person she'd went to when it was official.

That night you guys had stayed up until midnight as she gushed about how nice he was, and how she probably doesn't deserve him at all. Throughout the entire night, you'd sat on the floor, questioning her about him, and listening to her responses. Just so she'd feel giddier that night.

At first, you weren't really interested in what she had to say about him. To you, he sounded like every other guy in the universe, with a couple of exception. He was on Vine with his best friend, and they'd started up a YouTube channel together. Which eventually led to them having two separate channels.

And the last fact about him that was interesting was that he liked to explore abandoned places with said best friend. Hence why the YouTube channel was an important factor to mention about him.

You'd been in the room when she announced she had a boyfriend to your parents. Watched as your dad got a little overprotective and got sent into 'she's my little girl' mode. However, mom calmed him down, and soon enough it was agreed that he could come over for dinner, the following night.

After she'd left the room, your dad pulled you aside and asked if you had anything to confess to him. You laughed it off, telling him no and that there wouldn't be boyfriends around for a while. At that time, your mindset was school first, love second. Mainly due to the fact that you couldn't find a guy that was worth being with.

When dinner had rolled around the next night, you were told to wear something decently good by your mother. That you guys would like to make a lasting impression on him, and that you're not one of thosefamilies.

It wasn't that you guys weren't laid back when it came to dinners, and meeting people for the first time. But it was more or less a scare tactic that they'd come up with to ensure that he'd truly stick around. Even if you guys were uptight, or really loose.

Katrina, your sister, had went to the door to welcome him inside. And it wasn't until you actually saw him for the first time, where you realized that he wasn't just as average as she was describing him as. He was in fact, not ordinary at all. By looks, or the way he dressed.

Your parents had expected him to dress us regularly and told Kat that she couldn't tell him anything that was planned. And just for a safety measure, you were the only one that they told what they had planned for the night. And you wish you had been a little smarter and told them that it probably wasn't necessary at all.

It was Kat after all, she knew what she was doing when she started to date him. It wasn't like she would go and date someone who clearly had no right being with someone sweet as her. So, when she'd introduced Sam, you knew that she'd picked correctly. And that there was absolutely no way he wouldn't pass anything that was planned.

Sam was probably one of the kindest guys you'd ever met, and the respect that he showed your father was amazing. You could tell your parents were thoroughly impressed when it came to interacting with him. He treated them like they were royalty.

After that night, he appeared more at family events. Basically becoming one of you guys. And needless to say, since you were around Kat a lot anyway, you began to see Sam more and more. Which was unfortunate for you, because something inside of you changed since you made that promise to your dad two years ago.

School had finished, you'd gotten everything that was needed, so that was long behind you. But no matter how many guys you tried to focus on, it just seemed as if you couldn't focus on them. And whenever you'd think about it, it'd always draw you back to one guy.


It wasn't until you confessed this all to your best friend, when you were told that you didn't want to be friends with him. That should've been obvious, they were your feelings after all. And as you sat in that room with your best friend in complete shock and silence, it all came to you at once.

That you were in denial that you liked him. That every single time when you'd saw him at his friends parties, those butterflies would fill your stomach completely, and made it nearly impossible for you to be around him. Even though you're normally so outgoing, and not that shy reserved girl he sees every single time.

He'll stop to say hi anyway, check up on you and ask how family affairs are. Since Kat doesn't like to talk about that all the time, she's normally busy with her music business.

The times when you'd feel nervous around him simply for the fact that you're around him. That you didn't want to mess up whatever you were doing so you didn't look like an idiot.

Oh God, the times you'd feel jealous over the fact that she had Sam. And at first, you'd written it off because you wanted a relationship like that. Because they were so loving towards each other.

So, understanding when they wouldn't be able to hang out that night, or week. Whatever obstacles came in the way, they'd always work through it as if nothing had been happening in the first place.

Every single time you saw Sam and Kat together after that night you concluded, you couldn't be in the same room as them anymore. If they were kissing, then you'd always have to look away. Sometimes, you'd have to step out of the room altogether to get a hold of yourself, before you came back.

"(Y/n)!" Kat calls, you push yourself up from the couch in the house and go over to where everyone is standing in the kitchen.

Kat is all dressed up for a party, as everyone else is. Sam's arm is around her waist and he places a quick kiss on her cheek before he looks down at his phone.

Your throat feels hot and you have to look away, staring at the staircase instead of them. You're going to lose it even before they're going to leave the house. All you want to do is cry.

"What's up?" you ask, hugging yourself slightly as you stop at the end of the counter.

"We're heading off, you sure you can take care of the house? It isn't too late to say you want to come," Katrina smiles at you kindly, and you shrug at her slightly.

"It's all good, I'd rather hang out with Buddy and Navi,"

"Alright, then that's it," Colby says, starting towards the door.

You watch in silence as everyone heads to the door, and the final person who says goodbye is Sam. Offering you a small wave and a smile, before the door shuts and locks.

You stand and listen, waiting for the sound of the cars to disappear, before you hug yourself tighter, going back over to the couch. Tears start to well in your eyes the second you've sat down.

You're just so miserable.

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