Sing For Me - Colby Brock

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I am NOT taking requests on Wattpad, if you want to have a request done, you'll have to go to my Tumblr; Quinn-Imagines. This is just so I keep my priorities straight.


Summary; Trap house (+ reader) walks in on Colby singing, and he is amazing!

Warnings; fluff!

Word Count; 1,065 words

Pronouns; female/male


You stink-eye Jake as his mouth inches towards the straw of your drink. He can clearly see it, as a small grin spreads over his face, and his mouth hovers over the opening of the straw.

Why the workers didn't leave at least a little bit of the paper covering, you don't know. What you do know, is that if it had been there, then you wouldn't be in this situation with Jake in the first place.

But then again, you started it when you were in the car on your way home from Chick-Fil-A. Sam was driving, so he didn't have any of the food on him. And Aaron was sitting in the back seat with you, helping you to make sure that the food doesn't escape you.

And of course, out of good fun, you started threatening Jake to eat his food because of the little rivalry you have with him in the house. He's always eating your food—despite your best attempts to make him stop, eventually, you gave up—so in return, you get back at him every chance you get.

You didn't anticipate him to start to drink out of your soda though, that was a think you thought was off limits. But he seems to prove otherwise now, lips close to your drink.

A part of you wishes he'd trip and get a taste of his own medicine—deep throating the straw. You know that won't happen, and the other part of you doesn't want to watch that anyway.

"Still gonna eat my food?" Jake asks you roll your eyes, hand on the door handle to open the front door.

"If you even touch my drink, I'm going to inhale both your food and mine. And then you'll be hungry and sad," you retort, before opening the front door.

Jakes laughing to himself, asking Aaron and Sam if it's worth it, while Aaron is trying to convince him otherwise. Sam is just laughing along with Jake, knowing full well that he isn't going to be the one to get his head bit off. Although, that's not the first thing you hear when you open the door, it's the loud music that's playing.

And most importantly, the voice that's somehow projecting itself over the music, without sounding horrible. In fact, it sounds like it should be a part of the song, but it doesn't blend in because of the different tone.

You stop with your hand on the door, whipping around for a moment to double check that Aaron is in fact behind you, and he is. He has a confused expression, whether it's because of the same reason for you, you'll find out later.

"Isn't it just Colby?" You ask dumbly, knowing the answer already.

"Yeah?" Jake says, sticking his head in for a listen, before his face turns red and he turns around, walking out into the driveway a little more, laughing his head off even more now.

Sam comes up behind to hear some of it as well, before backing up and saying, "That has to be, Corey and Devyn aren't home,"

Carefully, you close the front door, turning around and staring at Aaron and Sam with wide eyes, "Oh my god,"

"What?" Aaron looks between you and Sam because Jake is still laughing like a Hyena.

"You didn't hear him?" You ask.

"I heard—" he stops for a moment, before a smile spreads over his face quickly, "That was Colby?"

"Get a video!" Jake says, coming back over, he's still cackling to himself slightly, "Blackmail for later,"

"If anything, he'll find a way to use it against you," Sam comments.

"You are not blackmailing my boyfriend," You say defensively, but pulling out your phone anyway, "However, I will get this on video because this is an experience,"

Opening the camera app, you switch on the video, and start recording. Then you open the door to hear a new song playing, and this time—somehow—Colby sounds even better singing this song than the last one.

It's Dangerous Woman, a song you'd never thought in hell you'd be hearing Colby singing, especially since the difference between your tastes in music. But if you weren't going to lie, it is a good song to sing along to, you've done it multiple times when you were alone in the house.

Colby's voice bounces off the walls, and into your ears, making a smile that you didn't know what appearing, come over your face. Behind you, Sam carefully shuts the door behind him, to not make any noise and give away that you four are home.

Corey and Devyn would be home too if it weren't for the fact that they went out to go shopping, and just hang around for the day. That's why it's only the five of you at the house.

When you come around the corner to the kitchen, you see Colby standing on top of the kitchen island, shirtless and only wearing black basketball shorts. His eyes are shut while he continues to sing, and it sounds even better up close.

Not moving, you guys just stand there, waiting for him to open his eyes, and when he does, they're wide and he stumbles back a step or two. For a second, you're worried that he's going to walk off backward, but he stops soon enough, placing a hand over his head.

He pulls out his phone from his pocket, stopping the music and staring at you guys, face red. He doesn't know what to say, but right after you, Jake and Aaron set down the food, you stop the video, and start clapping instead.

"I didn't know you could sing!" Sam exclaims, Colby laughs to himself as he slowly gets down from the island counter.

He shrugs humbly, "Didn't think it was a big deal,"

"Uh, yeah it is," Jake says, "Just wait until the next Trap House song comes out, you'll be our main vocalist—sorry Aaron,"

Aaron shrugs, a smile on his face, "I agree,"

Colby's eyes land on you, waiting for your response to the situation, "So...?"

"I think you owe me a couple of songs for all the times you said you couldn't sing," You laugh, wrapping your arms around his torso.

He hugs you back, placing his head on the top of your head, "I can arrange that,"

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