Our Girl - Trap House

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I am NOT taking requests on Wattpad, if you want to have a request done, you'll have to go to my Tumblr; Quinn-Imagines. This is just so I keep my priorities straight.

Summary; The boys share reader.

Warnings; none

Word Count; 1,095 words

Pronouns; Female


Originally when you started living with the boys, the relationship between all of you was purely friendship. None of you had a crush on each other, simply because they were dating other people.

However, after the first year of sharing the house with them, you saw everything slowly begin to change. At first, it was only Sam, Colby and Jake who were acting weird. But you didn't mind it all that much.

They've known each other longer than you have. Sam and Colby knew each other in high school, while Jake had recently come from Kansas. Do, they're bound to act a little off since they all know each other.

Then Corey and Aaron got thrown into the mix. And that had to be the oddest part, was them joining. Aaron mostly kept to himself most of the time, so that wasn't the weird part of it. It was that he went from being closed off, to basically arguing with the other guys.

Needless to say, it was like the house was a battlefield at the end. And you didn't know why, because they wouldn't tell you. It was like they could all fight, but you weren't allowed to be involved in it at all.

You started to ignore it since that was the only thing you could really do. But it was hard to ignore it after the guys started to break up with their girlfriends.

First it was Devyn, who was just as confused as Katrina was, and then it was Jake's girlfriend, and finally Aaron's.

For a second, you thought they'd all broken up with the guys, but when the girls started to text you about it, you quickly realized that was not the case. Especially when the guys finally came out and told you why they did that in the first place.

When you were told that they all wanted to date you, after having developed the crushes for the first half of the lease, you practically wanted to faint.

At first, you thought it was just a huge practical joke since they were always pranking each other. And you were part of the war too, but when they didn't come out and say it was a prank after a whole week, you knew that they weren't lying.

You really didn't know what to do at that point, simply because it was the weirdest situation you've been in for a while. So, you sat them down and talked to them about it.

Obviously, you didn't want to pick anyone, because they all broke up with their girlfriends—except for Colby. So, picking one person would've been unfair to the others, but you didn't want to leave them all hanging either.

That's when Aaron came up with the genius idea, that they all share you.

Along with that idea came a lot of doubts, simply because there was a lot of things people would think of you. The fans would probably think you're the one that came up with the idea, call you all sorts of names, and think that you're the most stuck up person in that house.

When in reality, you hadn't really liked any of them beforehand.

They were all taken, and you just stayed in your lane when it came to that because cheating is horrible. So, it was better if you didn't like any of them.

The one who ended up starting all of that happened to be Colby. Since he was the single one, and he thought that he'd have the best chance, when in reality, it wasn't and he made the worst nightmare alive.

"Colby—stop leaving hickeys on her!" Sam shouts from across the living room, throwing a pillow.

He laughs into your neck, pulling away slightly, "I'm not,"

Aaron looks up from Rocket League, to see what Colby is doing with you, and he wasn't lying, he's just placing his head against your neck. Aaron shakes his head, a small smile coming across his face.

"I think Buddy left all those,"

"That disgusting," you laugh, and the guys join in.

"Either that or Colby's a vampire," Corey mutters, "Can't I sit with her now?"

"Wouldn't doubt it if he's a vampire," Jake agrees, standing up to stretch for a moment, "Always in his room, alone..."

"I'm not always alone," Colby protests, and you get up to sit between Corey and Jake instead, so they'd stop complaining.

Corey wraps an arm around your waist, while Jake takes your hand. They snuggle into you slightly while they watch as Sam tries to beat Aaron.

Every weekend they play a little game to see who gets to spend more time with you for the rest of the week. And since Aaron is too good at Fortnite, they normally count that one out, since it's unfair.

Although Corey is better at Rocket League, it looks like Aaron is going to get you more this week.

A part of you wishes it was Jake since he has uni most of the time, meaning he can't be around you all the time. It's disappointing, especially when you'd managed to make time for him, but he still has to go in for a class.

He makes up for it though, he does a bunch of little things to get back at you.

"I'm going to win!" Sam shouts, jumping up from the love sack and getting closer to the screen.

Sam does indeed, win the game, which puts him in for having you for the rest of the week. His arms shoot up in the air as he laughs along with Aaron.

"Dammit," Aaron sighs, and then he yawns, "I gotta get to streaming anyway, so I'll see you guys tomorrow,"

The guys murmur an agreement and Aaron comes over to peck you on the cheek, and then he disappears off to his room. The rest of you guys sit in silence for a moment, and then Jake suggests a video idea, even though it's nearly midnight.

"I guess," you laugh, leaving Corey and Jake behind for a moment, "First I've got to cover the bruises on my neck,"

"You only have Colby to blame for that!" Jake laughs and Colby covers his face slightly.

"I'll help you," Sam offers, following you upstairs.

When you guys get to the bathroom between his and Colby's room, you stop for a moment, looking at him with raised eyebrows.

"You're not up here to help me, are you?"

He grins, pushing you into the bathroom and shutting the door behind him, "Nope."

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