Crush - Colby Brock

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I am NOT taking requests on Wattpad, if you want to have a request done, you'll have to go to my Tumblr; Quinn-Imagines. This is just so I keep my priorities straight.

Summary; "Could you do an imagine where the reader is a YouTuber in college and she becomes friends w Kat and Sam and when she visits LA colby gives her the cold shoulder and she swears to kat that Cole hates her but he's just nervous Bc she doesn't seem like a girl that would go for him"

Warnings; none

Word Count; 1,553 words

Pronouns; Female


After finals week had hit you like an overloaded bus, you decided that it was the best option to get the hell out of Kansas for a week, and go to visit some friends in Los Angeles instead.

And so far, it's proved to be a welcoming place, as Sam and Kat showed you around nearly everywhere to make sure that you knew your surroundings. They also managed to tell you a bunch of funny stories of their friends, and how you're going to love them.

Hell, the person you're most excited to meet so far is Sam's best friend, Colby. That's probably the most important person you're going to see so far, since you've heard so much about him.

You're like Sam's other best friend, and that's because when Sam was visiting back home a year or two ago, he ran into you. And after that, you two collabed a couple of times.

Which not only boosted your channel, but his too.

That's not why you two are friends though, you're friends because you two are funny as all hell when you're in the same room together. And you two basically hit it off in the first three minutes of knowing each other.

"You ready to meet Cole?" Kat asks, turning in her seat slightly to see your reaction.

"I dunno, is he cute?" You ask, and she starts laughing.

"Yeah, he's pretty hot," Sam answers for her, you can see his eyeroll in the mirror.

Scoffing, you cross your arms, "You're only saying that because you've seen each other shirtless a hundred of times."

"And maybe, you will too!" Sam says, and Katrina nearly spits out her drink.

"We're not going to play matchmaker right now," she laughs, shaking her head.

Sam shrugs, but you can still see his stupid grin in the mirror as he starts to park his car in the driveway.

You wipe your hands onto your jeans nervously, squinting your eyes at the door as the car comes to a stop. They get out of the car, and you're still sitting there, almost regretting your decision to do this rightnow.

What if he doesn't like you? Or thinks that you're trying to steal his best friend?

When in reality, you're not trying to do that, you have other friends to replace that title. However, if he does think that, then he might try to convince Sam and Kat to stop being friends with you.

Sam opens the door, "Here you go, your highness,"

"That's not why I've been sitting in here, but thank you, I guess," you crack a smile, sliding out of the car.

"Are you nervous?" Kat asks, "There's no reason to be, Colby's a little closed off, yeah. But for the most part, he's really nice,"

"Wasn't nice when he pulled that cheating prank on me," Sam grumbles, still not over the video.

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