En Garde - Colby Brock

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I am NOT taking requests on Wattpad, if you want to have a request done, you'll have to go to my Tumblr; LightenUpBrock. This is just so I keep my priorities straight.

Summary; "Colby noticed something has been bothering you lately so he brings you to his favorite abandoned spot to just sit and talk, cry, scream, rant, whatever it is to make you feel better. He would try to get your mind off of things by showing you around and just trying to make you smile/laugh the entire time"

Warnings; little angst, fluff

Word Count; 1,400 words

Pronouns; Female



"It's just for fun," Colby says again, trying to convince you to stop pestering him as to why you two have walked into an abandoned place.

"It's not for a video?" you ask, giving him a look, before turning away as your eyes wander over the run-down building.

The walls are cracked to hell, the wallpaper is rolled up towards the top, showing that it's starting to peel off. It isn't in that one place, it's all over the walls. In the places where it was put up at.

The floor is coated in dirt, papers and debris. There could quite possibly be blood mixed in there somewhere, along with some spray paint. But you won't really know unless you two were to clean up the floor by kicking the papers and cardboard away.

Colby takes your hand, silent as he doesn't answer your question. Which you'll automatically take as a no then. Since he doesn't have the camera to film everything around you two. Plus, you hardly doubt that he'll let you be on camera, since the fans don't necessarily have nice things to say about you.

Colby pulls you through the main hallway, straight to the staircase and up. When you two have reached the second floor, he turns to you with a small smile.

"I've noticed that there's something off with you lately and—" he throws his arms out, as if he's showing you the place around him, "—well, I thought I'd show you around here."

"Oh," you say quietly, interlocking your fingers together in front of you as you look around slightly, "That's cool."

Colby frowns for a second, looking over your face quickly while he can without you seeing him. Trying to come up with some plan to get you back into your normal spirits.

He's never really had to do something like this before.

Colby starts humming We Love Our Friends as he starts down to the first room. Once he goes inside, you follow behind him quietly.

"Sam and I have been here before, once." Colby says, his voice echoes inside of the room. And when you stick your head inside, you see that he's sitting on top of a stretcher, "We didn't actually film here for a number of reasons."

"And why's that?" you ask, leaning against the counter, making sure that it's stable enough to hold your weight, "Not interesting enough?"

"No," Colby says, looking around him until he finds a pole, "We just wanted it to be a special, personal spot. Although, he hardly comes with me when I come here."

Colby picks up the pole, turning it in his hand, before he suddenly thrusts it towards you, "En garde!"

You roll your eyes, a smile hinting at your lips as you push the pole away from you, "Whatever."

He slides off of the stretcher, picking up a second pole, much sturdier than his, as he tosses it to you.

You catch it, weighing it in your hands for a moment, before you prepare it, "You seriously want to do this?"

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