i love you - Colby Brock

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I'm not accepting requests on here. If you want to request then you can go to my blog on Tumblr, azurebrock.

Summary; 'hi i was wondering if wou could write a fluff imagine on where its colbys burthday and how everyone plays a short video on what they like about colby and if in y/n could say i love you for the first time to colby in hers also i love your writing btw🥺 could you do more imagines on where the reader is taras height cause that was so mf cute'

Warnings; swearing, teeth-rotting FLUFF

Word Count; 1.8k


When Sam had initially approached you for the surprise party for Colby, you thought that the idea was a little nuts, and even so mean. In order for a surprise party to work, you have to make the person feel like you're either ignoring them or not planning anything.

You had bought Colby's birthday present weeks ago, and you hadn't heard any word about what would be going on for his birthday, so you already made plans with him but made sure they were flexible at first. But when time kept ticking and you heard nothing from the others, you and him cemented.

To make the surprise part work, you'd have to distract him for the entire day or say something came up so you can't hang out. And then tell him later on that night that you'll be working or that you're sick or something. The whole thing felt mean to you, and you didn't like it.

But Sam told you more details about it. How everyone would be there, and they'd be pitching in money-wise to buy a few things for the party. Sam said that he would be going out with Katrina to buy all the supplies and all that. As far as he was concerned, you had two jobs.

One, show up. And two, make a video for the video collage that he would be showing off towards the end of the night. Everyone would be doing one, and everyone would be seeing it all at once. He told you not to put anything too embarrassing in there, and try not to make it sexual.

For that, Katrina smacked him upside the head for thinking you would do something like that. You eventually agreed to the plan, and told Sam that it better be a damn good party or you're going to want a refund on it all. He laughed, told you to show up early and bring the present–unless it was something you'd want to give him off-camera–and left it at that.

So, here you are today, wrapping Colby's present and trying not to text him at the same time. He's messaged you once or twice, asking if everything is still on, and as the clock nears noon, you know you can't hold back too much longer. You'll feel bad if you make him get ready and he doesn't actually have to get out of the house.

As far as you know, no one has talked to him much today either. Everyone isn't wishing him a happy birthday, asking about plans and hyping him up. The groupchat is bone dry, and you're honestly wondering if anyone else is going crazy because of it. To ignore someone on their big day. He's twenty-three this year!

You finish up the present, grabbing a sharpie and writing onto the paper directly. You write a simple 'happy birthday, Colby!' and beneath it says 'from (y/n)'. Sam had made sure that you and him didn't buy the same things for presents. Since he got a google home, some LED lights and the third is a gag gift, they're going to ICE him.

You went to the store and bought a couple of things for him as well. A while ago you ordered a ring that he was looking at, and then you went ahead and got a few new chains and jackets too. Since you know that he can't resist things like that. He's not really into fashion, you'll admit that. But he likes the nicer, expensive things.

And just because you have some spare money to throw around, and you're sick and tired of him spoiling you all the time and not getting to return the favor, his birthday would be the perfect time. So, a couple of hundred dollars later, you have his nice jackets and rings packed into a couple of separate boxes.

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