Colby Brock Blurb #4

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I am NOT taking requests on Wattpad, if you want to have a request done, you'll have to go to my Tumblr; Quinn-Imagines. This is just so I keep my priorities straight.

Hmm, what's this about? The dear old Jail incident, hope you like it! :)

Also I know everything isn't accurate, but i twisted it so it turned out better.


You hadn't really noticed that your boyfriend and best friend had been missing all day. Why? Well, because you were off doing your own things.

Colby kissed you goodbye that morning in the hotel room, before he went off with Sam to scout out some of the buildings, mainly the elementary schools.

Which means you were left alone for the entire day. Wasn't a big deal, you spent the day looking at things you couldn't buy, and going sight seeing. And last but not least, you did a little bit of searching for abandoned places for the boys, just in case they hadn't seen any already.

So, when you had gotten a phone call from Colby about thirty minutes ago, regarding the fact that he was caught, you practically had a freak out.

Scratch that, you did.

You had a major freak out, and then you went and called the roommates a couple of minutes ago, just to let them know that they were okay for the time being.

As you pull into the parking spot, you turn off the car, and slam into the door while trying to get out.

You're hoping that they're fine. They've never been in a situation like this before. So, it has to be a big shock to them. You wouldn't even blame them if they were crying.

You speed walk up to the counter, waiting for someone to appear.

The police station isn't as busy as you thought it would be. At least no fans have showed up just yet.

An officer comes out from around the corner, looking bored and a tad bit annoyed, "What can I help you with?"

"I'm here to see my boyfriend." Your nails two against the counter when you place your hand up there, "And his friend. Colby Brock, and Sam Golbach."

This seems to piss him off even more, rolling his eyes, "I already told them that they—"

"Listen," You seethe, leaning forward slightly to emphasize it. You need to see them, just to make sure they're okay, and to let them know you're going to do everything you can tonight to help them out, "Let me see them, or I'm calling your supervisor. Period."

He sighs, before getting up again, "Fine."

He starts to walk off, so you follow behind him quietly, eyeing the hallway carefully, until you make it around the corner, into another room, where there's a cell.

Your eyes land on Colby first, his head is hung slightly, and he's still wearing that damn Justin Bieber shirt.

"Colbs," You call, he lifts his head.

Next to him, sits Sam, who has a very small smile on his face. He offers a small wave, before dropping his hand.

"Did you call Katrina, Sam?" You ask, he shakes his head.

"Not yet, I was going to, and then he told me I couldn't," Sam motions to the officer.

Pulling out your cell phone as you come to a stop in front of the cell, you call Katrina, and offer the phone to Sam, who takes it immediately.

Colby has his hands wrapped around the cell bars, offering a puppy-eyed look to you. You laugh lightly, even though you're still nervous about this entire thing.

"I missed you," he pouts, you kiss him.

"Missed you too,"

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