all in your head (pt1) - Colby Brock

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I'm not accepting requests on here. If you want to request then you can go to my blog on Tumblr, azurebrock.

Summary; " Can you do one where the reader is kats sister&she comes to visit&one night Colby offers to take her out to show her the city since Kat is busy with song rehearsals. While Colby is showing her around he takes her to a secluded area to see city lights&they start having a deep conversation about getting in your own head&how it can be draining&after that night they feel really connected to each other. When she goes to leave theyre all sad until shes offered to stay to help kat on her upcoming album
" - anon

Warnings; swearing, a lil bit of angst and some fluff

Word Count; 1,510 words


The last night of your stay in California, was the only night where Katrina was busy. Which is fine, you didn't expect her to be able to clear out the entire week. Hell, there was some emergency calls here and there and she got pulled out of a couple of things.

Work is work, and if Kat wants to reach the top, then she's gotta go to everything she can. And no matter how many times she tried to apologize, you wouldn't let her. Simply because of the fact that it's her word. Her pride and passion. She shouldn't be apologizing for something she's wanted for so long.

Anyway, the song rehearsals couldn't be postponed any longer, she had to go tonight. Or they would've been cancelled altogether. And since you wouldn't let that happen, no matter how many times she insisted that it was okay, that there were other times, you put your foot down.

You've spent every waking moment with her already, there's no harm in you going out for a little bit without her. It's not like you won't see her in the morning to say goodbye before you catch the plane. And there was someone willing to take you out and around town anyway, he'd been offering since the second you arrived at the door.

Colby was probably just trying to be nice. And you appreciate it, because after this entire week, you just need some time without running around to every place possible in LA. You've seen more stores in LA than you have where you live now, which is a pretty amazing feat that you're sure Katrina will be amazed to have later on.

"This isn't illegal or something?" you ask, eyeing Colby suspiciously.

"Not at all,"

"You could be lying to me and I wouldn't know it until we're caught." You tell him, and he laughs.

"Don't you know I trespass all the time? We won't get caught—"

"That is exactly what you said before you got in major trouble that one time," you tell him, although you're sure he already knows, "Didn't you guys end up in jail or something?"

Colby looks at you, a little surprised, "How'd you know that?"

You laugh, shaking your head, "How wouldn't I? That night—damn, I've never seen Katrina panic so much. Calling me about Sam, and then when Sam was out, the amount of times they called me, since they needed someone to talk to that was near Florida."

Colby makes a sound something along the lines of 'huh'. Almost as if that information wasn't passed on to him in some way. Which is a little surprising. You were sure that he would know all of this, considering that he was in the situation. Maybe they just forgot to tell him about all of that.

"Did you end up going to Florida?" Colby asks.

"Nearly," you admit, "Sam stopped me before I got on a plane, though. Told me that everything was handled, you would be out in no time. Although, I can't imagine the amount of damage that did to your self-esteem."

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