permanent - Colby Brock

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I am NOT taking requests on Wattpad, if you want to have a request done, you'll have to go to my Tumblr; LightenUpBrock. This is just so I keep my priorities straight.

Summary; "One where the reader is a popular tattoo artist that has done some of mike's tattoos, and when mike introduces her to the group Colby gets a crush on her" - anonymous

Warnings; swearing, fluff

Word Count; 1,129 words



Flipping through the sketch book, your eyes land on the recent design that someone wanted. However, they've yet to come in and confirm that they want this. You're not sure if they're going to come in at all, at this point. Since they haven't called you back.

Which means just another design wasted. Well, not entirely. You're sure you'll be able to find someone else who wants it. You'll just have to wait a certain amount of time before willingly giving it out. Hell, you might even take the design for yourself. Since you're sure that it's the best one so far.

The dude must've been scared off because of the prices. But hey, when you're popular, you're expensive. And since you have clients lined up the walls, you don't have the time you wish you had. And so, precious time getting taken up means that the price goes up too.

At least you're not bad at your job. You've known people before who suck at their job and they never quit. Which means that a ton of people have botched tattoos. And since that shit is permanent, they're going to be stuck with the fucking thing for the rest of their lives.

Unless they get it removed—expensive—or decide that they can cover it up with another, better tattoo. And in that case, that also costs some money that you're not sure they have. Especially after having spent it on the first tattoo.

Anyway, all you're saying is, is that it's not necessarily a waste of time to make the tattoo for someone. Since it can always be used for someone else. But they're really missing out on a good tattoo job rather than some dumb fucking one because they couldn't spend a little extra money. That's your opinion.

The door opens, and you look up to see Mike coming into the store. Behind him must be a couple of his friends, because they seem to have to have the same clothing style as he does. And we all know that your personality reflects the people around you. Which explains a lot about him being an absolute goth legend.

"Hey!" you smile, going around the counter to hug him, "It's been a while! How are you?"

"I'm great," Mike says, "I just came to check in on you. To see how you've been since I was gone."

"Pretty good, to be honest," you laugh, pulling away from the hug as you look him over, "Any new tattoos from my rival?"

Rival, as in the other guy that he gets tattoos from. You two aren't really rivals, it's just a matter of who gets to tattoo Mike more. If he'll go to you to get a ton done, or to the other guy. And looking over him right now, there's quite a few that you haven't seen before. Which means that Mike might make an appointment soon to get one done by you.

"Plenty," Mike shows off his arm, pointing to a couple of places to show you the new ones, "But I think I have a big project for you coming up."

"Sounds good to me," you smile, "It'll get me back on the point board."

Mike laughs, shaking his head as he then moves aside, motioning to his friends, "I wanted to introduce you to a couple of these guys. They're wanting to get certain tattoos and I had to introduce them to the best."

"Me?" you mock being shocked, and then you wave like a princess, "Hello, I'd like to thank my mom, my dad—"

"Shut up," Mike pushes your shoulder, laughing at you, "I could always bring them to your rival—"

"You came all this way for that? I doubt you'll be leaving so easily." You smile at him, before looking at his friends, "Hi, I'm (Y/n)."

"Colby," a boy with dyed hair says.

A blonde offers his hand, and you shake it, "I'm Sam. I'm not—I don't know about tattoos but I was just tagging along."

You laugh, "Well, it's all the same to me."

"And then that's Jake and Aryia." Mike tells you, motioning to the other two.

"I know Aryia, thanks." You roll your eyes, "You act like he hasn't come in here to hold your hand."

"I have not—" Mike starts to protest, but Aryia is already laughing and you're making a mock crying face as you lean against the counter, "Alright, that's enough."

You laugh, pushing his shoulder slightly, "Come on, you know I don't mean it."

Mike shakes his head, smiling at the ground before he looks back at you again, "You free today?"

"Like, to hang out?" you ask, and he nods, "Well—I could see if my coworker can take over the rest of today. But if he can't, then I can't go."

"Can I have a talk with your coworker?" Mike jokes, and you roll your eyes again, going around the counter.

"I'll be right back, don't cause any trouble." You tell him.

However, it didn't take long for you to come back. Your coworker told you that you could go hang out, since you've done the same for him before. So, it's about time he starts to repay the favors. And in that case, you're going to start cashing in a ton of them.

And while you were on your way back to the front, you heard a little something from Colby. You only heard him say his name, but his voice was basically recognizable as he talked to the other guys in the lobby.

"She's cute! I don't know how you're not dating her," Colby tells Mike, trying to whisper but it's not working at all.

"Because I've known her since forever. I'm not going to ask her out at all, so if that's what you're going at, then go right ahead." Mike says back, "I would've shot my chance a while ago if I had wanted to ask her out in the first place."

"You sure?"

"Colby's going to finally get a girlfriend!" Sam sings.

You go around the corner to see Colby glaring at Sam. But the look lifts when he sees that you're in the room again. A black backpack is slung over your shoulder as you offer Mike a grin.

"I'm off for the day. Where are we off to first?" you ask, picking up your sketchbook and holding it under your arm.

You can see Colby looking at you from the corner of your eye. That grin on your face only gets bigger the longer you stand there, waiting for them to say something.

"We could go to the fair or something," Aryia suggests, "Since it's in town."

"Sounds like a plan to me."

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