not mad - Colby Brock

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I'm not accepting requests on here. If you want to request then you can go to my blog on Tumblr, azurebrock.

It was an accident, you did this by accident but you're going to pay the goddamn price for it when he gets home. He was so excited to film too, told you that only twenty minutes ago. But you've gone and fucked it up now, haven't you?

You were trying to clean the apartment since Colby hadn't filmed last week, there wasn't a reason for the place to be clean. But since he wanted to film today, it has to be clean. So, you decided that you would try and be helpful by cleaning it up for him.

Just so that he would be happy when he came home, he wouldn't have to worry about cleaning. Maybe he would be a little grumpy that you had done it for him, since he doesn't like you doing things for him very often. He would have told you that he would take you out to dinner or something to counter your nice act.

However, while you were trying to wipe down the counters, you'd accidentally bumped into his camera. And for once, your swift reflexes had failed you miserably, and you watched as his camera his the floor painfully had. Shattering the glass lense, sending glass and plastic alike scattering everywhere.

You still haven't stopped crying, and that was ten minutes ago.

It's useless to gather all the pieces like this, but you feel like you have to stare at the damage to fully realize what you've done.

The jangle of keys makes you look up. You quickly swipe the camera, placing it on one of the stools beneath the counter, along with the broken pieces. Then, you wipe your tears as fast as possible.

Colby opens the door, and you're leaning on the counter, a shaky smile on your lips as you look at the guys behind Colby. Hoping that they're not going to be coming in so you can admit what you did without them being around.

"Welcome home," you say to Colby, hesitantly moving from your safe spot to hug your boyfriend and give him a kiss.

"Won't be here for long," Colby tells you, giving you a temple-kiss before pulling away, "I'll be out of your hair as soon as I get the camera and a couple of other things."

Your eyes drag to the boys at the door, "Are you filming at Sam's?"

"Yeah," Sam says, finally pushing open his door after he's struggled with it.

That's a relief, "Okay, Colby and I need to talk real quick, he'll meet you there in a sec. Jake, shut the door?" you ask, watching as Jake leans in to grab it real quick.

Once the door is shut, you turn to look at Colby, your bottom lip jutting out a little bit at the thought of confessing your mistake. Colby's back is turned to you, though, as he heads into his filming room, "What's up?"

You place the camera onto the counter again, along with all the pieces. Another tear falls, and you take in a shaky breath of air, "I um–"

"Do you know where the camera is?" he asks.

"Yeah," you watch as Colby comes out the room, "I–it was an accident, I didn't mean to..."

You move out of the way a little, watching in pain as Colby's face smooths over, "Oh."

"I was cleaning the apartment because I thought you were going to be filming here and–" you take in a deep breath, because the tears are overwhelming you now, "–and I accidentally knocked into it–"

Colby's face twists with worry as he cups your face, "Don't cry. Everything's going to be okay. I'm not mad."

"You can use my camera." you tell him, you don't film videos anymore, "My old one–I know it's not much but–"

He kisses you for a second, and when he pulls away, he's smiling, "Sounds good to me. I'll get a new one soon, I love you."

Your lip juts out more, because you really don't deserve him. Colby sees this, and he laughs a little, "(Y/n), seriously, I'm not mad. I needed an upgrade anyway."

"You promise?"

"Of course."

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