exposed - Kevin Langue

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I'm not accepting requests on here. If you want to request then you can go to my blog on Tumblr, azurebrock.


Summary; "kevin has a crush on you and gets in contact with you on twitter to do an episode of exposed (you're a youtuber) as youre answering questions he realises you're all about being confident and making the most of life so he shoots his shot and asks you out" - anonymous

Warnings; swearing, fluff

Word Count; 1,041 words


At this point, everything on your YouTube channel is just collab content. Nothing is just you anymore. It's always someone from another channel, or your family coming to join you for the video. Which you're not upset about, because plenty of content comes out of that. But sometimes you're a little iffy about it.

It is your channel after all, and most people that subscribed to you did it because they wanted to watch you. Not everyone else that you're hanging out with all the time. And because of this, you've started to slowly reject people when it comes to joining them.

The times you do agree, you tell them that you won't be filming on your channel. They don't normally care that you're not going to film too, just means more original content for them. But some people actually cancel because they were looking for the clout of a bigger YouTuber. Not original stuff.

You're not really surprised when it comes to that. Some people are scum and you've learned to just get over it.

So, when people do hit you up, you always warn them with the fact that you're not filming at all. And a slight background check is going to be given to their channel to ensure that you're not going to be putting yourself on something that you shouldn't. You've learned from other YouTuber's past mistakes when it came to shouting out other small channels—cough, pewdiepie—and because of this, you're a little more careful.

Besides that, you're all for it.

So, when Kevin Langue messaged you over Twitter, after a ton of his fans had been begging him to finally ask you to be on his show, you said of course and went right with it. Your fans were telling you that there wouldn't be anything to worry about, since he's a cool guy. And that he hasn't done a bad thing on his channel at all.

You took their word—just a little bit, you still the basics of looking for articles that might say otherwise—and so that's how you ended up in the room with him. Watching silently as he sets up his cameras and the lights to make sure that they'll be hitting you guys at the right angles.

"Shouldn't you have all of this stuff set up already?" You ask, laughing slightly as you lean back in the chair, crossing your arms.

"I do," Kevin tells you, stopping and giving you a glance, "I just need to readjust—"

He takes a step off to the side, swinging his foot right into the lights and tripping. After he hits the floor with a loud thump, you make a face and wince. After leaning forward on the table, you see that he's holding a thumbs up, silently telling you that he's alright.

He doesn't look like it, but you'll take his advice.

"Can we get started now?" You ask him, laughing a little as he slides into the chair.

"Yeah," he leans over the table as you did a couple moments before, turning on the camera before plopping right back into the chair. Soon enough, a wide grin spreads over his face, "Hey guys, I'm Kevin and I'm here with the one person you guys wouldn't shut up about—"

He motions to you, and you wave at the camera with a smile, "Hi guys!!"

"It's the famous (Y/n)," Kevin continues, and you roll your eyes, leaning back against the chair as you shake your head.

"Famous? Hardly—"

"Five million subscribers!" Kevin cuts you off, wide-eyed and a little offended that you would even say that in the first place, "I'm surprised you even responded to my DM."

"I'm surprised I saw it," you snort, and he smiles, and then he goes on to explain the game of Exposed.

Well, 'game'. It's most likely a torture method for him to weasel out as many questions that you wouldn't normally answer, out of you. And since you only have three skips and fifteen questions, you'll have to choose wisely throughout this entire thing.

It started off pretty easy, and since you did a little research on his other videos with people like Katrina Stuart and Colby Brock, you knew that it would slowly get harder. But cater to what you're interested in on certain subjects. Which is more or less terrifying to you.

"What dirty things have you done to get where you're at now?" Kevin asks, and you look at him with raised eyebrows.

"Dirty things? Honey, it's called hard work and determination. Everything I have, I worked for it myself. And the times where things were getting shady—well, let's just say I Yolo'd it."

There's a second where Kevin stares at you blankly, and then he starts to laugh at your answer, "You yolo'd it? What do you mean?"

"I mean, I just went for it," you shrug at him, "I did everything I could to get where I am, except for relying on other YouTubers to get me here," you look at the camera now, "Because everyone knows that sometimes people use you to get up higher. And to be honest, they won't get anywhere in life."

"Last question," Kevin says, shifting in his seat slightly as he looks down at his phone. He looks embarrassed, and then he looks up at you, thinking for a second. And then he looks back at his phone.

"What? Is the question that bad?" You ask him, laughing.

"No, I'm just..." Kevin trails off for a moment, before he resumes the position he was sitting in, "Will you go out on a date with me?"

You look at him incredulously, thinking that he's kidding for a moment. But his face grows more anxious with each passing second, which is a dead giveaway that he's not kidding at all. He's dead ass serious.

"Well—" you think for a moment, before nodding, "Sure, I don't see why not."

Kevin's face lights up immediately as he turns to the camera, "I did it!"

You laugh slightly, shaking your head at his excitement over something as small as this.

But you don't know how long he's waited to finally ask you out.

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