predictable - Aryia

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I'm not accepting requests on here. If you want to request then you can go to my blog on Tumblr, azurebrock.

Summary; "Hey! Your Aryia imagine was amazing! Would you be willing to write another one? Maybe one where you meet everyone through Katrina and he instantly has a crush on you. And he tells some of the boys and everyone tries to get you guys together and eventually you do end up together. If not that's totally fine!"

Warnings; fluff

Word Count; 1,343 words


You have your previous friendship with Katrina to thank for the fact that you have so many friends now. Originally, when you'd first moved into LA, you have absolutely nothing going for you. All of your friends were back home, so it was hard.

However, you met Katrina one day on accident. You hadn't known anything about the fact that she did YouTube and was an aspiring music artist. All you knew about hr, was the fact that she was the kindest person you'd met that day.

You two clicked a lot better than you thought. Since it seemed like you two didn't have a lot in common. But it turned around when she started to hang out with you more. Which eventually started to take up most of her time, making her friends a little confused.

So, she decided that she might as well combine everyone together. She saw no harm in it, since you were so similar to her, and all of her friends were just the same as her.

It was the right decision to make, because her friends absolutely loved you. And were wondering why she hadn't introduced all of you a lot sooner. You fit in better than anyone else did, and that fact is... a little impressive.

You've known them for a while now, not as long as they've known each other. But you're still 'one of them'. You've made your presence with them irreplaceable. And if you were to ever stop being friends with them, you're not sure if you'd be able to take it. Since they're the best friends that you'd been hoping for when you'd first moved to LA.

It's crazy how such a little interaction between you and Katrina turned into something bigger and better. There's never not a time when you two aren't hanging out with. Colby, Sam and all of them.

You really have here to thank, and you're sure that she gets sick and tired of hearing it. But the appreciation is there, even if she doesn't want to acknowledge it as much as you do.

Along with becoming friends with her, you've also started to make... different sort-of relationships. And with all the scheming that they're always up to with each other, you're sure that either Colby or yourself is the next two up for getting hooked up with someone.

Just like how Jake got with Tara, which was like a match made in heaven, Colby's due for his match—which isn't you, since you two are far too great of friends for that to happen. Plus, he seems less than disinterested when it comes to the dating topic. So maybe, he isn't so interested in dating.

The crazy thing, is that lately your theory on the dating thing has been sprouting up more and more. Katrina has talked to you countless times on the guys you've found attractive. If she's trying be under the radar, then she's not very good at it. Considering the fact that you've got other people asking to.

However, they're not as sneaky when they're drunk. And you took advantage of that to the best of your capabilities. Asking them questions throughout the night to make sure that they weren't on your trail. And it worked out a lot better than you thought it would.

At the end of the night, just before you left to go home, you asked them if it was someone in the group that had a crush on you. And Devyn was more than willing to give away that information. Telling you that it was someone that you don't see often, but when you do, he's all over you, it's sad.

Of course, with those... interesting choice of words, you had started your investigation. An you'd come down to a few conclusions. Once again, it couldn't be Colby, because he doesn't like the dating topic because of his fans. However, he's love to dive into it one day when his fan base has calmed the fuck down when it comes to him.

The next assumption was Mike, but it can't be him. You see him every pizza night, and it's just casual conversation. If you see him every pizza night, then it's not a rare occasion. It's a regular one. Which means the same goes for Kevin.

The only person that doesn't see you regularly and shows up once in a blue moon in your opinion, is Aryia. And the thought of that, is absolutely thrilling. If you're right on the fact that it's Aryia, you could drop dead and be happy like that.

The first time that you'd truly met Aryia, you knew that he was the best one out of the group. Even if you only saw him every couple of the events that are set up. When he shows up, your mood is immediately lifted every single time.

Anyway, all you're saying is, is if he's the one that has the crush on you, you would definitely say yes if he were to ask you. Only because of the fact that you've been wishing that he's ask you out for a while now.

The only thing, is that it wouldn't make that much sense. You're hardly around him enough for him to even develop a crush on you. But you guess that him hanging out with you when he does, is enough for him.

"Is Aryia coming to the dinner tonight?" You ask, turning to look at Katrina.

Her expression gives the entire thing away. Over the fact that she's excited that you've asked about him. Something that you never do when there's something that goes on. And plus... it furthers your entire theory.

"Yeah he is, why?" Katrina asks.

"I'm just excited to see him is all, I haven't talked to him in a while," you're much better at acting than she is, as you try to make it look like you're at least a little disinterested.

Dinner came around a lot faster than you thought it would. And in no time, you all were seated around a table in the diner. You weren't surprised when you were coincidentally placed next to Aryia.

Turning to him, you smile, "Hey Aryia?"

He looks over, conversation coming to a stop with Mike. Aryia apologizes, and Mike shrugs, going to talk to Colby instead. But you can see the smile that Mike is trying to conceal, trying his best not to give it away.

"Do you wanna go out sometime?" You ask, because you know that he'll take forever to ask you, and there's no better way to show you're interested, than asking someone out on a date. It clearly shows them that they have a chance.

Aryia is surprised, and you can tell everyone within earshot are also surprised, which is the most amusing part, "Sure, uh—when?"

"Anytime you want, I'm flexible," you wink at him, and just in time, the waitress arrives with the first round of food.

Once you all start eating, you clear your throat, knowing that you can make the, all choke at the same time if you try hard enough, "I know all of you were in on trying to get me to get on a date with Aryia."

It worked, there was several gagging sounds an wide eyes as people tried to get themselves breathing again.

"And honestly, you guys are pretty slow, I got impatient. And so, I think I win," you finish, falling back against your chair again.

Aryia looks thoroughly impressed, taking your hand underneath the table sheepishly. You give him a reassuring squeeze as you smugly go back to eating your friendship fries.

"You knew?!" Katrina asks.

"You're horrible at facial expressions." You inform her.

"Told you!" Colby blurts, making the entire table laugh.

"Damn," Mike laughs, "I was rooting for Mike."

"I knew that (Y/n) knew the second she came here late," Colby says, looking at you, "You're never late, and you never smile like that."

You hold up your milkshake, "I'll toast to that."

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