lost in the sauce - Colby Brock

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I'm not accepting requests on here. If you want to request then you can go to my blog on Tumblr, azurebrock.

Summary; " Hi!!! I was wondering if you could write a domestic Colby imagine! Like being around his apartment and having date night and being fluffy. I love your writing " - anon

Warnings; swearing, fluff

Word Count; 1,790 words


You and Colby have tried out all the different combinations of dates, excluding one. You guys have gone to cafés, beaches, parks, restaurants, fairs, festivals, you name it and there's a pretty big chance you guys have gone to it. And every single time you guys have been out and about, you've been caught by fans.

Most of the time it isn't that severe, the fans will just interrupt you two while you're talking or in the middle of eating. But the times they catch you two in an intimate moment happens often too. It isn't the hand holding you're talking about, you've had a couple of times when you and Colby were on the brink of a make out session and they popped up.

No big deal, they'll just apologize for... interrupting you, get the picture, and then skadaddle. Other times, the fans will take pictures of you two in the moment and post it on social media. It spreads, you and Colby will have a good moment of embarrassment, sometimes laughter if you guys aren't in the most flattering pose, and then it goes on.

However, with it happen more times as time goes on, Colby has decided that he wanted to try something a little more different. Something you guys haven't tried before, but with all the different places you guys have gone already, you thought that would've been impossible. And for a second, he did too.

But your friends are lot smarter than Colby takes them for sometimes. The couples of your friend group—or the former couples too—have had more experience when it comes to being a couple in the 'fame'—lack of a better word—light. They basically understand what happens when fans catch them, which has led them to plenty of indoor date nights.

Not movies, or events or all that. They meant at home, which wasn't as big of a surprise as they were letting it seem. A date night inside of the apartment was something dumb to skip over. All they did was make you feel stupid for a good time, before Colby admitted that he hadn't realized that was an option too.

With all that being said, you and Colby have kinda taken advantage of this newly found escape from fans. It's easy, and most of the time neither of you actually have to go anywhere. If you guys want food, then it can be postmated. And with tv's, Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, and every other platform that offers shows for a subscription, watching shows together isn't difficult.

If this is considered a date night—referring to the movies and shows—then you can Colby have been on plenty. And just never considered it to be one, more like spending time together.

Tonight is one of those nights where you two will be sitting around the apartment again. However, this time, instead of just ordering food, you've been watching Colby wander around his barren kitchen, trying to cook food.

"Did you buy all of this new?" You ask, poking the black pot sitting on the counter, Colby gives you a sheepish smile.

"I had nothing."

"You don't ever cook?" You ask him, eyebrows raised, "How didn't I know this?"

"Honestly, I have absolutely no clue." Colby laughs, picking up the pots and going to the sink, beginning to wash them because god knows what has been touching these pots, "Remember the pizza night that I stayed over at Sam's place overnight?"

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