Chapter 19 - Guilt trip

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I know the last few chapters haven't had too much going on but the battle is approaching and things speed up from there.

"Like hell you're sitting out!" I fumed as I stomped down the stairs. Alice had just left saying Edward had decided to sit out of the battle and he was here now to arrange this.

"Ellie, I have no choice," he said, meeting my eyes sort of pleading with me not to argue about this. Of course I was going to argue.

"Don't be ridiculous," I snorted "Of course you have a choice. Just because Bella says something doesn't mean you have to fall to her every whim."

"Ellie, you know better than anyone what leaving did to her; you've felt how she felt. She doesn't want me to leave again so I'm not going to," Edward explained.

"You're such an idiot. She's guilt tripping you! Bella can handle a day with you; you've been on hunting trips since that lasted longer than the battle will." How could Edward not see that. Bella would be fine. Maybe he didn't actually want to take part in the battle. Maybe he was scared.

"Maybe I am scared to fight, get killed, and leave Bella. I don't want to put her through that much pain. And maybe me even going to fight will put her through pain and I'd rather not do that. I promised myself I'd never do anything that would hurt Bella ever again after she saved me in Italy and I'm not about to break that promise because of what you think. So I am not fighting, and nothing you can say will change that," Edward said, his tone final.

"Fine," I growled "but if one of us dies, I hope you know it will be your fault."


We were training again tonight. I didn't really want to go but Jasper thought it would be good for me.

So here I was, in the clearing, currently watching Jasper and Emmett wrestling. It wasn't serious, which you could tell by their laughter.

Alice and Rose were also watching, sat on the ground a few metres away from me. I didn't want to sit with anyone; I barely wanted to be here.

Esme and Carlisle were stood off to the side talking, their hands linked together. I smiled looking at them, but it made me miss Kyle so much more. Only a few more days, then I could see him.

There were only three wolves tonight: Jacob, Embry and Quil. I thought those were the three at the party but I wasn't really up to date with all the wolves and didn't know who was who. Except Jacob and Sam.

Bella and Edward arrived not too long after and I glared at Bella as her and Edward sat down slightly either down the clearing. Her eyebrows drew together in confusion as she caught my gaze and turned to Edward, presumably to ask why I was looking at her like that. Edward's eyes met mine and I could see the anger in them. Of course he wouldn't want me to be angry at Bella when he was the one sitting out but, that was Bella's fault, so I would be angry.

We hadn't been there for long when Edward got up to go help Jasper. He was teaching everyone how to defend if there were multiple attackers which was much more important now that Edward was out.

I sauntered over to Bella before sitting down next to her. "Hi, Ellie," she said cautiously.
"I hope you're happy, Bella."
"What do you mean?" She asked, confusion on her face.
"Thanks to you, Edward is sitting out and now everyone is in much more danger," I told her, anger clear in my voice.

"Edward said there's nothing to worry about. And I gave him the option of me being in the clearing."

I scoffed. "You knew there was no chance of Edward picking you in the clearing. You guilted him into staying home with you with lies about how you'd go insane if you weren't together for a mere few hours."
"I did not," Bella third but her voice was weak.
"There's no point lying to me Bella. You can fool Edward, but not me. And, just so you know, I'm not worried. Not about me anyway."

"What do you mean?"
"I know we can handle the newborns but, now you've taken Edward out of the picture, we are even more outnumbered. I'm more worried for the wolves."
"The wolves? Why would you be worried for them?" Bella asked anxiously.
"We'll have to defend ourselves from multiple attackers at a time which is easy for us vampires but not so much for the wolves. After all, they can only kill a vampire with their teeth. Imagine Jacob surrounded by three or four newborns, not that it would be so much of Edward was still fighting but all the newborns he would have killed our now split between the rest of us. But Jacob won't be able to easily kill them all without getting hurt. Maybe it won't be Jacob that gets hurt. Maybe it will be Leah. Or maybe one of us. Perhaps Alice will be surrounded and unable to escape. Who knows?"

Bella's face was filled with worry and fear as she glanced around at each person here, probably thinking about what she'd done.

I noticed Edward and Jacob both making their way towards us, from different angles.

"See you later, Bella," I said cheerily before I hopped up and walked over to where I was sat before, smiling at Edward and Jacob as I did.

I imagined Edward would be mad at me later but right now I didn't care. I had to focus on the fight right now so I was prepared. I was ready for the newborns.

Bring it on.

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