Chapter 13 - Waiting

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The whole day, everyone was tense. Alice sat on the sofa with her eyes unfocused and I sat opposite her. Jasper flitted in and out of the room during the time.

Rosalie stayed up in her room, with Emmett, sulking about the happenings of the day. Carlisle had a shift at the hospital and Esme spent the day in her and Carlisle's room, working on a new house design. It was a small, yet beautiful, cottage.

At one point Alice's eyes widened in shock. "What is it Alice?" I asked, worried.
"Edward scared Bella."
"What? How?"
"He showed her some of the things we can do but in a way that scared her. It's hard to explain. Get Edward to tel you when he gets in. They're alright now though."
"Well as long as they're fine, I guess."

The rest of the day passed fairly quickly. Alice would occasionally smile at what she was seeing, unable to help herself. The sun was just setting when I looked up at her after she gasped.
"What happened, Alice?"
"He kissed her."
"Edward kissed Bella." A smile spread over my face.
"Yay. Did it go well?"
"If you mean 'Edward didn't kill her did he?' Then yes it went well."
"What went wrong?" I asked curiously.
"Bella's reaction made it harder for Edward. She didn't stay still even though he told her too."
"Oh. Is he alright now, though?"
"Yes everything is fine. They are on their way back to Bella's house."

Only a few minutes later, Alice spoke again. "Edward will be staying at Bella's tonight, as usual, but this time Bella will know."
"Finally. Does she know he has been there every night for however long it's been?"
"Yes she knows. She didn't take it too well to start with, though."
"Who would?" I muttered too low for even Alice to hear.


I know it's short but this Chapter was all Bella and Edward at the Meadow so there wasn't much else to write as Eliana spent the whole day with Alice waiting for news about Edward and Bella.

Shoutout to: @keyz630 💗💗💗

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