Chapter 10 - Rising Numbers

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Ever since I'd gotten home from being at Bella's I'd been extra tense. The situation in Seattle was getting worse, the numbers of murders rising, and I was extremely worried about Kyle.

I was also, of course, concerned that there was a rougher vampire tearing through Seattle, but mainly Kyle.

There were so many deaths, something just seemed odd though. I'd checked the paper today and the numbers had risen.

This vampire sure was thirsty to be killing all those people. Or maybe they were just sick.

Unless there was more than one vampire. It's possible. There could be a small coven in the city.

Though the deaths suggested they were newborns.

It was sloppy work.

No wonder Carlisle was discussing everything with Jasper. He is the expert after all.

I'd offer my opinion but currently my judgement on what to do was clouded by Kyle.

I very much wanted to kill the vampires and make sure Kyle was safe because, whether the numbers dropped or not, if there were vampire sin Seattle he would always be in danger. However, if I went to Seattle, I don't think I could stand being that close to Kyle and not knowing how to get to him.

Everyone was worried about it and we were thinking that maybe it was time we step in and do something about it.

Carlisle phoned Edward.

"Carlisle, I —" Edward started before Carlisle interrupted and began explaining what was going on. Then Edward added his own news, saying the visitor had taken several items from Bella's room with her scent on them. That was odd.

Carlisle didn't know why the vampire would have done that, neither did anyone else. He then told Edward how Emmett was wanting to go to Seattle and end this now. Emmett was always the one who wanted to just charge straight into a situation, always raring to

Whilst I agreed with him a fair amount of the time but if this was a group of newborns, he really should think about it before running of time Seattle.

"Maybe I'll go...," Edward mused. "Maybe not. Don't let Emmett go alone, you know how he gets. At least ask Alice keep an eye on things. We'll figure this out later."

Edward hung up. He agreed with Carlisle that it was best to resolve this peacefully. I was with Emmett that a fight was needed.

Alice let us know that Edward and Bella we're coming round to get Bella's motorbike and then she was going to La Push for the evening. It surprised me but I was happy with it as it meant we'd be able to discuss the Seattle situation with Edward. And the whole thing with the visitor taking Bella's clothes.

It wasn't long before they pulled into the garage in Edward's Volvo.

I am not putting the scene where Bella sees the motorbike Edward bought because I found it very awkward and embarrassing 😂.

They got Bella's bike and left without coming into the main house or speaking to any of us.

It wasn't long before Edward was back. He came u to the living room where we were all still sat/stood in tense positions. Though I was the most tense and worried out of all of us though the others didn't get why. And I made sure to only think about what we were going to do about the vampires, rather than Kyle as soon as Edward returned. Sometimes the mind reading really got on my nerves.


4th chapter today 🥳🥳 even though it's super short.

I'll try and get another chapter up today and from now on I will try to update at leases once a week though I cannot update Monday - Wednesday normally. Xx

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