Chapter 8 - Numb

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I parked the car and ran inside, jumping straight into my brother's arms. He caught me easily.

'I'm so sorry,' I thought 'I know how hard all of this has been for you and instead of being there like a good sister, I just yelled at you. Doesn't mean I still don't think we should have left but that is your choice and being the truly selfless person you are, you put Bella's safety over your own happiness even though I still think she's safer if we're there even if I did try to kill her. Probably not helping and sorry for thinking her name, I forgot about that. But yeah, sorry.'

Edward set me down and looked me in the eyes. "Don't be. I'm the one that should be sorry, for yelling at you and then running off and not trying to talk to you since."

Everyone else was looking at us and, Alice especially, was looking excited.

"Now will you please tell me where you've been. None of them will tell me and they're hiding they're thoughts," Edward complained. I laughed and said: "I've been on a date." Alice squealed in excitement.

"How did it go?" She asked rushing over to me and grabbing my shoulders. "Tell me everything!"
"Yeah, get any action?" Emmett asked with a wink. I rolled my eyes at him.
"We kissed, that's all."
"You kissed!!" Alice exclaimed. Edward was stood in shock, his mouth hanging open.

"Are you alright, Edward?" I asked.
"Yeah," he said after a moment. "So who's this mysterious boy?"
"His name's Kyle. I met him at the ice rink we went to last week."
"How old is he?" Edward asked.
"So he's older than you?"
"Well, technically I am over 100 so not really."
"I'd like to meet him," Edward said. "Everyone else already has."
"I'm not sure that's a great idea," I said cautiously.
"Why not?" Edward demanded.
"You'd scare him and I like him so I'd rather you didn't."
"But that the whole point, Ellie! You're my baby sister."

"Are you going out again?" Rose asked, helpfully interrupting us.
"Yes but we haven't made plans or anything."

"So what happened?" Alice asked.
"Well, I met him at the ice rink, then we walked to the train station. He wouldn't tell me where we were going. A few stops down the line we got off the train for something to eat. I had a steak, very rare, so there was a little bit of blood. It didn't do much for the taste though. Which reminds me."

I stood up and ran outside into the tree line where I proceeded to gag up the steak and chips I had eaten earlier. It was disgusting and not a pleasant task. I quickly ran back inside.

"Anyway," I continued. I could see everyone wanted to know what had happened. "After lunch we got back on the train and Kyle told me we were going to Chicago. I told Kyle I was born there and he'd said maybe we'd see my old house but I didn't even know if it was still there." My mind briefly flickered to the people that had been living there and I saw the shock cross Edward's face. I focused back on the date.

"We got a cab in Chicago and once Kyle had given the name of the place we were going, the driver asked if we were going to the concert. He then realised it was a surprise after he noticed I didn't seem to know about it and didn't say anything else. We passed the hospital where Mother and Father died," I said looking at Edward during the last part. His eyes snapped up to meet mine then they softened. I didn't know what expression I was wearing.

I carried on: "We passed our old road and I got the taxi driver to pull over and I went to look at our old house. It was more modern now but looked pretty much the same from the outside. Kyle stayed back so didn't hear the conversation I had with the owner. It turns out they're our cousins! Can you believe it Edward? Father had a brother who inherited the house when Mother and Father died and the house has been passed down to his grandson now. They had two kids as well, the boy looked really like you."
"That's amazing, Ellie," Rose said "you have living family that you got to speak to."
"But what about the date?" Alice pressed, still excited.

"Well we drove to the arena and it turned out Beyoncé was performing. It was amazing. We were stood right at the front and half way through the concert we got up on stage! We were asked to, I didn't just launch myself at the stage. We sang Halo and it turns out Kyle can actually really sing."
"Boys who can sing are the best," Rose commented.
"Is that what attracted you to me?" Emmett asked with a wink.
"Yes, Emmett," Rose said sarcastically "you're groans of pain as you were being mauled by a bear made me think 'he sounds like he can sing, I'll keep him'."
"Just another one of my talents that everyone's benefitted from then." Rose rolled her eyes at her husband and I laughed.

"When's the kiss?" Alice asked.
"I'm just getting to it," I told her. "So after we sang and were back at our 'seats'. I said: 'That was amazing!' Kyle said: 'You're amazing.' Then he kissed me! He pulled away first and I was kind of in a daze so he thought he'd done something wrong and apologised. But this warm feeling filled me so I said: 'Don't be, I liked it.' And kissed him again."
"Was it good?" Alice asked.
"I've never felt anything like it." I could feel the stupid grin on my face but I didn't care.

I looked round the room at everyone. Alice and Rose both looked excited and happy for me. Carlisle and Esme also seemed pleased that it had gone well. Emmett was grinning and Jasper was smiling. His eyes showed understanding and I remembered he would know exactly how I was feeling. But there was something else in his eyes that I couldn't understand. He noted my confusion and said: "It's stronger than before."

I didn't realise what he meant to start with but once I did my eyes lit up. It was stronger than before. I had stronger feelings for Kyle than Demetri and since Demetri was my mate it meant I had two. I didn't have to be alone anymore.

"I've got to get going," Edward said suddenly and my eyes snapped up to meet his. They were blank, emotionless.
"What? You've just got here." I said.
"I have to go." Edward stood up and turned and left the house. I stood up and ran after him and stopped him just in the tree line.

"Where are you going?" I asked.
"I'm not sure," he answered.
"Then why are you leaving?"
"Because I can't stay here. I came to visit. What more do you want?" I was hurt by his harsh tone.
"To spend some time with my brother. We haven't spoken in so long I was hoping we could. I said I'm sorry about what I said and I really am. Why won't you talk to me?"
"Because I don't want to, alright? I don't want to talk to you so leave me alone!" Edward turned and ran off without another word. I stood there with just the image of him angrily glaring at me.


"Ellie?" Jasper asked warily, slowly approaching me. I don't know how long it had been since Edward ran off but I'd been on the floor since. "Are you alright?" He asked, taking another step forward.
"No," I whispered and ran at Jasper wrapping my arms around his neck and sobbing into his shoulder. Jasper wrapped his arms around me and it was what I really needed then, which he probably felt.

After awhile I felt the wave of numbness Jasper sent at me but then I felt nothing. I was numb. Jasper led me inside and I followed, not saying anything. He led me up the stairs. I barely noticed the others watching as I walked past. Jasper took me to one of the bedrooms and lay me down on one of the beds. The numbness intensified and it was too much effort to try and do anything so I didn't. I just lay there.

Some time after, the numbness lifted and I came face to face with Rose. "Hey," she whispered as I sat up.
"How long was I..." I trailed off glancing down at the bed before back to her.
"Only 12 hours," Rose said. "Kyle messaged you to say thanks for the good date."
"Did he?!" I smiled excited. "What about Edward?"
"What about him?" Rose asked cautiously.
"Has he called or anything?" Rose's eyes softened and I knew what her answer was going to be.
"No. I'm sorry, Ellie." Her voice was gentle and she placed her hand on my leg.

I began to shake. I could have actually lost my brother. I didn't even know why he'd left, what I'd done wrong. What if he never came back? What if he never spoke to me again? Rose's eyes widened taking in my appearance. I couldn't stop shaking. I was going into hysterics. My breathing sped. "Jasper," Rose said at normal volume and less than a second later he appeared next to me.

"Lie down, Ellie," he said in a compelling voice and I did feeling an intense calm and drowsiness wash over me. Jasper placed his hand on my forehead and the numbness engulfed me again.

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