Chapter 3 - Bella

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As I ran through the forest I heard footsteps behind me. I ran faster.

The footsteps continued behind me and they got louder. Edward must be fast even for a vampire to be gaining on me.

I realised that I couldn't make it all the way to my house without slowing down. I'd have to cross the road and walk at a human pace so I stopped and turned to face Edward.

"What?!" I yelled at him. He stopped, looking taken aback. I immediately regretted yelling at him. We'd only spoken once in just under 100 years and I'd yelled at him for coming to find me after I ran out of his house angry and upset.

"I'm sorry," I told him.
"It's ok Ellie. Are you alright?"
"I'm not sure."
"What's wrong?" He was stood only two feet from me now.
"It's Carlisle."
"Carlisle?" He sounded surprised and his eyes widened. Clearly no one has ever been angry with Carlisle.
"He took you from me," I explained. "I went through almost 100 years hating my existence because it meant I would never see you again. Carlisle was the reason I didn't have you. He told me you were dead."
"I understand that Ellie but he is also the reason you have me now."
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"If Carlisle hadn't changed me in 1918 then I would have died of the Spanish Influenza and we would have been parted forever. 100 years is short compared to the rest of eternity."

"I guess. I'm sorry."
"Don't worry about it. I get it." We hugged. Edward took me hunting and we took down a herd of deer. On our way back to his house, Carlisle joined us.

"I just wanted to come and apologise Eliana."
"Don't," I told him. "You saved Edward. If you hadn't changed him and hadn't told me he was dead, he wouldn't be here now and I wouldn't be a vampire now. You gave us eternity and even though I was angry before I will never be able to show you how grateful I truly am."

Carlisle smiled at me. "Thank you Eliana, that means a lot. I've always thought I made a mistake in turning Edward but if I've made you two happy then I know it was not a mistake. I'm going hunting before my early shift. Edward, care to join me?" Considering Edward and I had only just been reunited I assumed it was something important.

Edward was looked at Carlisle, probably reading his mind, before he turned to me. Clearly it was important so I nodded and said "Go, I'll be fine."
"If you say so," Edward said.
"Hang on a second," Carlisle said. "Can I speak to you, Eliana."
"Of course," I said. Edward ran further into the trees. Close enough that I could still see him but far enough away that he couldn't hear us.

"I am sorry, Eliana." His voice was sincere.
"I told you not to be."
"I never would have changed him if I had known he had a sister. I thought he was alone."
"Then how did you know who I was?" I asked suddenly remembering my first meeting with Carlisle. He had said: You must be Eliana.'
I had said: 'Yes, how did you know?'
He had then said: 'You look like your mother and brother.'

"Ah, you remember that. After I had bitten Edward, he called out your name. It was then I realised and after seeing how alike the two of you look, I knew our must be his sister."
"Oh." I could see the curious yet worried look on Edward's face. He was probably listening to this whole conversation through our minds. "You better go," I said "Edward has always been impatient."
"That, I do know." We both laughed before Carlisle ran and joined Edward then they both ran off into the distance.

I decided to go back to Edward's house, I had some explaining to do. Alice met me at the edge of the clearing and I stopped once I saw her. "Hey," I said "sorry about earlier."
"Don't worry about it," she said cheerily. "I told everyone else what you were going to say and what had happened in the forest so you don't need to say anything."
"How did you-" Alice interrupted me.
"I can see the future remember," she tapped her head.

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