Chapter 2 - Blood

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School. How fun.

It was just a normal day. Graduation was looming closer and flyers were up all around the school reminding us, the seniors, to buy our yearbooks and deadlines for ordering gowns. They were such a hideous colour but we had to wear them so Alice, Edward and I had ordered ours.

I couldn't wait. Note the sarcasm. I hadn't even applied to any colleges for next year.

The worst flyers were those for the prom this Saturday. I was lucky Bella was refusing to go otherwise Alice would probably have dragged me along and I could not stand to see that many couples all in one place.

I was making my way to Edward's Volvo to spend my lunch break like I usually did when suddenly, I froze.

A delicious smell made its way towards me and I turned around to find the source of the mouthwatering scent.

There on the ground, near the other end of the parking lot, was a boy who had fallen over. His knee was bleeding, as were his palms, and I could feel the venom pooling in my mouth.

I began to stalk towards him as he got up, the scent of fresh blood in the air, when I smacked into something.


"Ellie," he said quietly in a warning tone. "We can't expose ourselves."

But I didn't listen to him. I elbowed him in the side and continued forward towards the boy.

He was facing away from me but the smell of blood was just as alluring, even if I couldn't see it. Luckily, no one else was around. I'd be able to kill this boy without anyone seeing.

But then Edward was in front of me again, and this time he took hold of my arms so I couldn't hit him or push him away.

"Ellie, stop," he said trying to get me to back up further away from the boy.
"I need it."
"No you don't," he said quietly. "You need to get away from the smell. Come on."

Edward tried to moved me further away from the boy but I didn't budge.

I growled at him as he lifted me off the ground to carry me away. My feet were only an inch off the floor so it didn't look suspicious, though no one was here to see it anyway.

I needed that blood. I needed it more than anything else in that moment.

I could only think about that blood.

I kicked Edward's shin and his grip on my loosened, enough for me to be able to wriggle out of his grasp and head towards the boy again at a slightly above human pace.

The boy was walking off and I needed to catch him before he got away.

His blood smelled amazing.

I must have it.

But then Edward was in my way, again. "Let go of me!" I growled as he took my arms and started dragging me away.
"No, Ellie. You'll thank me in a minute. Let's just go to the cafeteria. The parking lot smells too much of blood for you to stay here."

"I need it, Edward. Just let me drink him."
"No. You can't kill that boy, Ellie. Think about it. His name is Luke Rivers. He has a little sister who needs him. His mum is about to have another baby who he needs to help look after since his father just left them. You'd be taking him away from his family who need him."

I didn't speak as Edward dragged me to the cafeteria, me resisting as we went.

Once the smell faded, I did feel better and grateful to Edward for stopping me. Though his blood had smelt delicious.

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