Chapter 19 (Part 1) - Fight

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I ran into the forest, following the scent that I know belongs to Victoria.

The wolves must not have realised she was here and just thought the vampire smell was from Alice and I.

The scent ended in a small clearing and I came face to face with Victoria. A growl escaped my lips and she smiled at me. It wasn't a nice smile it was a predatory smile. The look of a killer who was about to enjoy their work.

"I am rather disappointed the girl has had the protection of those dogs since your family left. It's made achieving my goal somewhat challenging. But here you are...all alone." We began to circle round in the clearing.

There was no way she was killing me. I would bet I'm a much better fighter, plus I had my gift.

"I want your brother to feel the pain I did when he killed James." Actually that was me, but I didn't tell her that. "Who would have thought a human would be so protected by a group of vampires." I didn't speak. "And James would never even have felt the need to go to that field had you not been there. So now I am going to finish what he started. Both the girl and you. Being his sister I will be able to make Edward feel even greater pain than I did. And I'm really looking forward to it."

I couldn't help the snarl that ripped up my throat.

I needed to make this quick as I had to phone the others and get back.

I reach out with my gift to make her senseless but was confused and horrified when her eyes flicked in and out of focus for a few seconds before an evil smile lit her face.

"Someone lose their gift, did they?" She sneered. My eyes widened in shock. What had happened? I could only effect her sight for a second and only her sight.

Then she lunged at me.

I was a superior fighter which she realised very quickly. That was why she turned and ran through the trees. I chased after her and was frustrated to find that she was faster than me. Not by a lot by it gave her an advantage.

You always want the advantage.

We ran and I was inches away from being the right distant to jump to knock her down when I was forced to come to an abrupt halt.

The treaty line. Damn!

And Victoria knew.

She was smarter than I'd given her credit for and annoying, she seemed to know what she was doing. You utilise any advantage you have as much as you can. She had a place where she could escape without me being able to reach her and she had used it.

I let out a frustrated scream.

Victoria sent a smirk over her shoulder in my direction making me incredibly tempted to cross the line and enter the wolves territory to kill her right now.

But I couldn't do that. I could break the treaty my family had made and break the trust, no matter how small, that they had with the wolves. I wouldn't want to start a fight with them.

So all I could do was watch helplessly as Victoria ran off into the forest, further out of my reach.


This chapter cut off weirdly but there was supposed to be more to it. I've fixed it now so this is the complete chapter. Thanks. Next chapter should probably be out Thursday xx

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