Chapter 15 - Kiss

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Edward was fuming.

Bella had gone to La Push today since she didn't want to be 'babysat' by us whilst Edward was out hunting.

But Jacob had kissed her.

Kissed her!

I don't know what he was thinking but I am honestly surprised Edward didn't kill him.

I guess he didn't want to hurt Bella but he did no damage at all.

I would have used this opportunity to maybe break a few bones.

When they pulled up, Rose was doing some work on Emmett's jeep with him acting as the Jack. I was in the living room whilst Jasper and Alice were in their room. Carlisle was in his study and Esme was in their room.

"What happened?" I asked Bella as they walked into her room and I saw the hand she was cradling to her chest.
"I punched Jacob," she explained.
"Good for you."

"Carlisle," Edward spoke at normal volume and within a second, Carlisle was stood with us in the living room.

"I think it's broken," Bella told Carlisle. He took her hand gently and Bella let out a small hiss when he reached her knuckle.

It was concluded that Bella had a small fissure in her knuckle. Carlisle said she could get away with a brace after she promised to keep it on.

Bella seemed unfocused as Carlisle fitted her brace. I wondered what she was thinking about.

Honestly, why could we never have even a week where nothing interesting happened?


I know it's very short, and the next chapter will be as well, but there wasn't much else to write for this bit. Next chapter will hopefully be up later today xx

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