Chapter 16 - Graduation

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It was the day of graduation.

The others were used to it by now but I was nervous; it was my first time graduating.

Alice has helped me choose my outfit for today and I ended up in a black skirt with a deep green blouse.

Something like this:

"I'll be back in a minute; I'm taking a Bella's outfit round!" Alice called as she left the house

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"I'll be back in a minute; I'm taking a Bella's outfit round!" Alice called as she left the house.

I was stood in front of my mirror, staring out my outfit and now deciding I hated it. I was about to change for the third time that morning when there was a knock at my door.

"Nervous?" Edward asked as he walked over to me.
"Yes," I answered. "I don't really get why but I'm just nervous I'll do the wrong thing, or trip over in front of everyone or something-" Edward cut off my rambling.
"You'll be fine," he told me "and you're a vampire; you won't trip."
"Well, I'll be the world's first clumsy vampire."

"Ellie, you'll be fine." I looked up at him and I nodded slowly. I would be fine. I wasn't going to trip and all I had to do was walk across a stage and take my diploma. It's not that hard. "And anyway," Edward continue "Of anyone's going to be the world's first clumsy vampire, it will definitely be Bella."
"Yes," I agreed with a laugh.

"Well, I have to go and pick Bella up but I'll see you at school," Edward said, smiling.
"See you in a bit." I hugged him and then he left.

Alice returned a few moments later but her expression was oddly blank.

"What is it, Alice?" I asked. She just shook her head as she floated into the house.

"Do you think you could drive yourself to graduation?" She asked and I stood there shocked.
"Are you not coming?" I asked.
"No yet. I'll come get my diploma but I have to take care of something first."
"What's going on?" I asked.

"I'll tell you after graduation."
"No! Tell me now."
"Edward can't know until after and you won't be able to disguise your thoughts."
"Yes, I will," I insisted.

"I need to talk to Jasper," she said as she walked up the stairs.

What the hell?

"Come on, Ellie, I'll drive you," Carlisle offered.
"Thanks," I said as I followed him to the garage.

We got in his Mercedes and Carlisle pulled out onto the long driveway.

"You excited for graduate?" He asked.
"Kind of," I answered, looking out the window and away from Carlisle.

"Are you nervous?"

"What else is it?" Carlisle asked softly. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, I guess." I paused and Carlisle waited for me to continue as we drive towards school.

I let out a sigh. "I don't want to graduate."
"Why not?" He asked gently.
"I'm scared to move on. Being here in Forks with you guys has been the best year and a half of my entire life. There have been ups and downs for sure, but I finally have a family and I don't want to lose that. Well have to move on soon and I don't think I'm ready to eat it go."
"Ellie, moving on isn't going to change anything between us as a family. You're a Cullen now and that will never change."
"Thank you," I said turning to Carlisle to see him smiling warmly at me. "I'd hug you but you're driving."

That caused Carlisle to chuckle lightly and I did too.

"We're here," Carlisle announced as he pulled up into the crowded Forks parking lot.

I got out the car and was surprised when Carlisle followed.

"You're coming in?" I asked.
"Of course. You need at least one parent there when you graduate for the first time."

I froze and started at Carlisle, unable to form a coherent sentence.

"I'm sorry, Ellie," he apologised quickly "I know you -" I cut him off by throwing my arms around him, knocking him backwards slowly.
"Thank you," I whispered.

He'd said parent. I'd missed that. I'd missed my family but now I had a new one and it was amazing.

Once we were inside, Carlisle went to find a seat and I went to talk with Edward before graduation started. It

"Where's Alice?" He asked.
"Well hello to you too," I said, sarcasm clear in my voice.
"Hi," he said, rolling his eyes "Do you know where Alice is?"
"Yeah, she's on her way," I answered and didn't say anything else.

I immediately shifted my train of thought from Alice to Carlisle and our conversations on the way here. Edward's expression changed from initially confused at my change in thoughts but then smiled as he heard what Carlisle had said.

I made my way down the line until I reached the correct spot for 'Masen' alphabetically.

It wasn't too long before the ceremony began. Eric gave his valedictorian speech though only one part really stuck with me. "And though this chapter in our lives has come to an end, this commencement is only the beginning of the rest of our lives. No matter what happens in the future we will always have this time together, that we will remember forever, and I can honestly say I wouldn't have changed it for anything."

After the speech, the principle proceeded to call out names.

Alice skipped in at the last minute, collected her diploma, and then disappeared again. Edward looked both frustrated and confused before he smoothened out his expression as he went to collect his diploma.

It wasn't long before it was mine turn.

"Eliana Masen," the principle called out.

I walked forward and Carlisle cheered when I was handed my diploma, making me laugh.

After everyone had been called, I spotted Edward and Bella and made my way over to them.

I was just in time to see Charlie shrug his way between the two and was surprised to see Edward not move an inch.

He seemed frozen, a look of worry and fury on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked quietly as I reached him.
"Bella's visitor was part of the army. It was a test to see if they could get through without Alice seeing," he explained quickly and I froze too.

Why hadn't we seen this before?

At least I now knew what Alice was keeping from us.

Just then Carlisle reached us, his eyes narrowing as he took in our tense stances.

He looked at Edward and I presumed asked him what was going on as he told him the same thing he had just told me.

"We can't do much tonight with the party but we need to go home and discuss this with the others," Carlisle said.
"I'm not leaving Bella," Edward immediately growled.
"Ok, we'll go back," I said "you stay with Bella."

Edward nodded and Carlisle and I drove home. We didn't speak in the way back. I was extremely tense and worried.

How had we not seen this before?

Once home, we all met in the living room. Alice has already filled the others in and, after a quick discussion, we agreed to have a strategic meeting tonight after the party.

Jasper was going to teach the others how to fight the newborns whilst I planned to just sit and watch.

We also needed to discuss the army's purpose being Bella's. Why was everybody always after her? Edward would also need to be present for that discussion so we would have to wait until later.

Now al attention, we'll most attention, was directed to the party. Alice did most of the decorating though the rest of us helped where we could. Alice was extremely picky about everything, claiming everything had to be perfect even if it were only for humans to see.

She also strung fairy lights around the trees leading up the driveway. It was a smart move on her part; people would likely get lost otherwise. I'm sure Bella would not be too pleased.

It didn't seem like much time had passed before Charlie's cruiser pulled up and Bella was dropped off at the house.

Party time here we come.

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