Chapter 21 - The fight

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Yep, I merged two chapters at some point. I think Hide and Seek is the right chapter title for this part but I'm not sure. Anyway, hope you enjoy xx

We sat in silence during the plane ride. I didn't think about anything waiting for us at the end of the journey. I let my mind wander and ended up think of my time in Texas which brought me back to James. He was everywhere at the moment.

I focused on the plane we were riding in, the mechanical side to it, how it was built, how it worked. It kept me distracted until Carlisle broke the silence as the plane came into land.

"Edward, can you hear anything yet? Is there any sign of him?" He asked.
"No, nothing. But it doesn't matter. Bella's here and I'm going to get her somewhere safe." A few seconds later Edward gasped.
"What is it?" I asked quietly, the panic clear in his eyes.
"They lost Bella!" Edward said frantically as a few heads turned in our direction. What? They lost Bella? Who could they lose Bella?
"They're searching for her, all over the airport. They're both confused, they don't understand how or why she ran away from them, but Alice is crazy with worry. She knows we've landed and she's coming to meet us while Jasper keeps looking. And...there's something else. Something she's blocking from me," He whispered.

We disembarked the plane at a painfully slow pace. Couldn't the humans move any faster? We were in the middle of a life and death situation here.

"Alice," Edward yelled running towards her, turning into a blurry streak across the terminal. I walked at a slightly above human pace whilst Carlisle and Emmett walked purposefully slowly.
"Edward, I don't understand. Jasper was taking her to get something to eat, she was with him one second then she ducked into a bathroom and he lost her. We've been looking all over for her but there's no trace. I'm so sorry, I don't know what else to do."
"What did you see?" Edward demanded. Alice looked at the ground with a mixture of shame and terror on her face. What had happened to Bella?

"The first time I saw him in the room full of mirrors, he was alone. Then when I saw him at her mother's house, he was still alone. I don't know what changed, but the next thing I saw he was back in the mirror room and..." She stopped as if unable to finish the sentence. Even though we all knew what she was going to say, Edward needed confirmation.
"Alice!" He screamed.
"Bella was there with him," she whispered, her eyes finally meeting my brother's. "She was alive, but she was terrified. And he was looking at her with the sickest look of pleasure I'd ever seen. Her blood is taunting him, and it can only keep him playing his game for so long."

Edward's fists clenched and a snarl ripped through him. A placed a hand on his arm, willing him to calm down. We couldn't make a scene.

We hurried to a deserted area in the parking lot where we could plan without fear of being overhead or causing a scene.

"Alright, none of the humans can hear us," Edward snapped angrily. "Now what do you intend to do to get Bella back?" He yelled at us all. I couldn't blame him though. Bella was gone and at the hands of James.

"Well, Bella seemed to think the room I saw was a ballet studio here in Phoenix," Alice said, her eyes closing as if she were trying to get another view of it. "She told us it was very near her mother's house, and I'm sure James is in one of those two places. We'll run together then Jasper, Emmett and I will go to the house. You, Elle and Carlisle try to find the studio and if James isn't at the house we'll meet you there as soon as we can."

We set off at equal speed until about a mile later, Edward began to run faster, pulling away from us. Carlisle and I ran faster as well though we struggled to keep up with him. A few moments later, he looked over his shoulder at Carlisle and with a small growl, slowed his pace.
"Leave it alone, Carlisle," Edward mumbled.
"She's everything, Carlisle," Edward whispered, "Would you want to go on if you lost Esme? Would there be any point to this miserable life without her?" I suddenly realised what they were talking about and thought, knowing Edward would hear,: 'Edward, you can't think like that. We are going to save Bella though even if we don't' he winced 'which I know won't happen, then you still can't kill yourself. Think of everyone else. I know you love her but please don't leave us. I don't want to ever lose you again.'

We reached the place where we would split up and with a quick nod, Alice, Jasper and Emmett, turned to go to the house. Then came the scream. Bella's scream. She screamed and cried out Edward's name. He raced ahead of us, no longer caring about leaving us behind.

"Go get the others!" Edward screamed as he kicked the door, to the ballet studio, entirely off its hinges.

Carlisle ran to get the others whilst I chased after Edward. He was already inside with James when I reached the door but I had to stop. Bella was lying in the ground, bleeding heavily. The scent of her blood assaulted me and I almost couldn't help myself. I had to get control, I had to stop James. I was leaving Edward in there alone because I was too weak to control myself. No! I had to get James.

The others appeared behind me then and Jasper and Emmett raced to get James's arms and pulled him away from Edward.

Emmett and Jasper began to tear James apart so I raced to join them before they killed him without me. I launched myself at him, knocking him to the ground as Emmett and Jasper pulled his arms off. I wrapped my hands round his neck before I snarled at him. "Is this enough of a satisfying ending for you?" I growled looking him straight in the eyes before ripping his head off his body.

"What's with her?" Jasper asked.
"Long story," Emmett told him "I'll tell you later."
Emmett tore up the rest of his body whilst Jasper started a fire, I threw the head into the flames before helping Jasper and Emmett with all the other pieces.

As soon as the job was done, and James was dead, the smell of blood hit me again. I fell to the ground trying to hold myself back from running to Bella and draining her dry. I couldn't hurt Bella and my brother like that but I also couldn't resist.
"Get her out of here!" I heard someone yell faintly. Edward? Strong arms wrapped around me and dragged my writhing body from the room.

"Ellie! Ellie stop!" I could hear someone yelling. Emmett. A feeling of calm surrounded me as well as a feeling of being full, as if I had just fed. It brought me back to myself and I stopped fighting Emmett. He let go of me as soon as he saw I was fine.
"Thanks, Jasper," I said. "And you Emmett."
"What happened?" Emmett asked.
"Her blood," I explained.
"But you've had no trouble before." He said confused.
"It's the fresh blood it would seem." I'd never been around fresh blood that I wasn't going to drink.

The others appeared from the studio, Bella unconscious in Edward's arms. Her blood hit me again and I backed into Emmett's chest, knowing he would restrain me if I needed him to.

"We're taking Bella to the hospital," Edward explained. Are you guys coming?"
"I'm coming but I can't sit in a car with you," I admitted, feeling ashamed. Edward's eyes softened.
"Everyone struggles at some point," he assured me.
"I'll run with Ellie," Emmett said "Then we can run perimeter and look out for Victoria it any other problems."
"Jazz, can you come back with me to the Hotel to watch this tape?"
"Of course," he said and they ran off together.

Edward, Carlisle and Bella rode in a car to the hospital whilst Emmett and I ran, keeping pace with them. The journey was short and soon we arrived.


Shoutout to: @BrownEyedReader1 💙💙💙

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