Chapter 15 - The Cullens (Part 2)

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"Guys," Alice called out in a panicked voice. We all rushed to her side.
"What is it, Alice?" Carlisle asked.
"Three nomads are on their way to Forks."
"Will they be a problem?" I asked.
"They will kill a couple of people but nothing too bad. We should be fine."
"Good," Rose said.
"Though I would enjoy a fight," Emmett added. Rose smacks his arm.

We all went hunting as soon as Alice informed us Bella would be coming over today. Even though Emmett and Jasper had gone in the night, they fed again. We couldn't risk Jasper being anything but completely full. I wondered if this would be hard more me but I doubted it. I spoke to Bella all the time and I was fine at school.

I took down a few elk and a mountain lion. My favourite was a grizzly, like Emmett, but there weren't any of them here and even if there were, I'd let him have it.

We all returned to the house and Alice said we should all get ready cause Bella and Edward would be here shortly. I got changed into a denim skirt and a white cropped vest top before heading downstairs. Carlisle and Esme were going to be the first to meet Bella, waiting in the living room.

"Rose," Alice said "Edward would want me to ask you to be on your best behaviour and if you don't think you can be, don't stay."
"Fine," She sneered and stormed upstairs. Emmett followed her.
"Alice," I said.
"It's only wanted Edward wanted her to know. And Jazz" she said turning to face him "do you think it might be better if we start in another room and see how it goes?" He nodded and Alice took his hand leading him up the stairs.

Esme and Carlisle decided to wait by the piano and I went to sit about halfway up the stairs.

It wasn't long before I heard Bella and Edward pull up.
"Wow," Bella breathed.
"You like it?" Edward asked.
"It...has a certain charm," Bella said. I could see Esme smiling, after all it was her that designed the house.
"Ready?" Edward asked
"Not even a little bit – let's go," Bella said. I heard two car doors open and shut.

"You look lovely," Edward assured her. Awww.
As the got closer to the door, I could hear Bella's heart racing. Nervous or scared or both?
Probably both.

Edward opened the door and they both came in. Bella's eyes widened as she took in the large front room. She didn't even notice us to start with. Once she had she exchanged warm smiles with Esme and Carlisle and waved at me.

Bella looked so at ease with Edward. As a human I wouldn't have been anywhere near that comfortable knowing I was in a house full of vampires.

"Carlisle, Esme, this is Bella," Edward spoke formally but I could tell he wasn't sure how to go about this.
"You're very welcome, Bella," Carlisle said, taking a few hesitant steps towards her. He reached his hand out and she quickly shook it.
"It's nice to see you again, Dr. Cullen," she smiled. She didn't seem nervous at all now.
"Please, call me Carlisle."
"Carlisle," she repeated, her smile widening.

Esme walked towards her and reached out to her lovingly. She was absolutely beaming.
"It's very nice to know you," she said kindly.
"Thank you. I'm glad to meet you, too."

"Where are Alice and Jasper?" Edward asked. As soon as Alice heard her name, she appeared at the top of the stairs with Jasper.
"Hi, Bella!" She called enthusiastically. I stood up and walked down the stairs before Alice and Jasper and went to stand by Esme and Carlisle.

To everyone's surprise, Alice leaned over and kissed Bella on the cheek. Bella was surprise like the rest of us but didn't seem that bothered. I didn't understand her.

"You do smell nice, I never noticed before," she added casually and Bella's faced turned a deep shade of red. Carlisle and Esme glanced at each other, seeming amused. I took a deep breath to really take in Bella's scent. It was floral and was rather delicious. I could feel the venom pooling in my mouth. I got a sharp glance from Edward.

Edward Cullen's Little Sisterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن