Chapter 4 - Change

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*Edited* 17/04/2020 - Please comment any grammar errors if missed. Thank you.

That was not the only time I got locked in my room. Anytime I did something wrong, even just in the slightest way possible, Grandmother would lock me in.

The time got longer as well. I was in there for over a week at one point and at another, Grandmother left me without food or water for 2 days. I spent most of the time drawing until Grandmother realised that kept me happy, in my times of imprisonment, and she took it away.

Grandfather and I didn't speak much. We obviously had a better relationship than Grandmother and I but, being honest, I didn't particularly like either of them.

My 16th birthday passed without a word from my Grandparents.

Life continued the same way for a few more weeks. But that night everything changed.

Grandmother had sent me out late to buy some fresh fruit. Grandfather was still out working. I bought what Grandmother needed and started to walk back home. It was mid-winter so was already dark and also fairly cold. I shivered, due to the chilled night air, as I made my way back.

I was tired so was in a rush to get home. I decided to take a short cut down a back street. Everything was quiet and I saw no one else until I rounded a corner and saw a man. Stumbling and swaying slightly, it was clear the man was drunk and I turned around to walk another way but he called out "Eliana!" causing me to whirl back around to face him.

"Grandad?" I asked, surprised by his face, which I could now see. He staggered over to me barely staying on his feet.
"Hey guys!" He called and suddenly a group of men appeared. All five of them drunk like Grandad. "Look who's come to join us." His words were slurred.

Grandad grabbed my wrist before I could move. "Let go of me." My voice was stronger than I expected it to be. He didn't.

All the men came closer and surrounded me. Then they all grabbed me and my bag was thrown to the floor. I tried to scream but a hand clamped down over my mouth. I struggled but they ignored me. What happened next I can't repeat but I was left in the street fading between consciousness and unconsciousness.

I thought I was going to die. All because of my grandfather. I didn't try and get up; I didn't have the energy. I didn't hear the person that approached me. All I remember is a sharp pain starting in my neck before spreading down my torso and throughout my entire body.

I felt wind in my face but I couldn't pay much attention. The pain was unbearable. I wanted to scream but a hand kept my mouth shut. The wind disappeared and so did the hand and I let out and agonised scream.

The pain continued for what seemed like years. It felt like fire but hotter than anything I could possibly imagine. I wanted to die. I wanted the person who brought me hear to kill me but they weren't there for me to ask. I only heard them once during the pain.

After what felt like eternity, the pain changed. It was better...and worse. Better as it began to fade from my finger tips and toes. Worse as the pain in my heart grew more unbearable and it seemed to get hotter, no matter how impossible I thought that was. As the pain continued to fade from my limbs, slowly, my heart grew hotter and hotter and beat faster and faster until...nothing.

It just stopped. The pain, the fire, but most importantly: my heart. It stopped beating. Was I dead? I didn't feel dead.

I opened my eyes, not having realised they'd been shut and gasped at how different everything seemed. Even that gasp had felt wrong. It was like my lungs didn't need to be filled. There was no relief with the action. I took a deep breath and it didn't do anything, again. Maybe I didn't need to breath. But then how was I alive? No heartbeat and no breathing?

I looked around me and couldn't believe it. I could see everything more clearly, it was sharp,  defined. I could even see the dust motes in the air!

I could hear everything more clearly, as well. I sat up but it took less than a second. Woah. What had just happened? I though about standing up but before I'd even really finished the thought, I was stood next to the bed I had been on. I didn't recognise the house I was in; I'd never been there before. There was no sign of the person that had brought me here which I found disappointing. I needed to know what had happened.

A mirror was set up on the other side of the room and I gasped as I caught a glimpse of myself. I was beautiful, inhumanly so. Not that I had been particularly ugly before but now my skin was smooth and pale. My body had the perfect shape and my golden locks fell past my shoulders fuller and glossier before. My eyes. My eyes were blood red.

That's when it hit me. A burning began in my throat and at first I thought it was the pain returning but then it turned into something else. A hunger, a thirst.

Without knowing what I was doing I gave way to the thirst and my instincts took over. I ran, faster than anyone could run. Before I could comprehend what I was doing, I was full of blood. I had massacred the entire village and now stood in my house, my Grandparents at my feet, empty of blood.

I regained control of myself and the thirst had lessened, though was still present. I was disgusted with myself. I had just murdered many innocent people in order to feed myself.

In that moment everything clicked. The speed, the thirst, the eyes. I knew what I was, what I had become. It was the only possibility given the thirst for blood. One word filled my head.



Shoutout to: @Save_Me_24 💚💚💚

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