Chapter 11 - Discussion

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"Edward, stop pacing," I snapped.

I had been watching. Edward pace the living room for the past hour and I was sick of it. He was very agitated since Bella was currently at La Push with Jacob and the other wolves.

Well agitated may have been a bit of an understatement.

"She's fine," Alice tried to soothe him but it wasn't working.
"You don't know that," he answered "You can't see her."
"Thank you for pointing that out, Edward, I really had no idea," Alice replied sarcastically.

"Edward, Bella is fine," Carlisle said as he walked into the living room. "I know you hate the wolves but they are able to protect Bella whether you like it or not."
"But what if they're the danger."
"Edward, stop it! It's only a few hours, then she'll call you, and you can go get her. You can survive for a few hours," I said and he stopped his pacing and turned to me. "And we have more important things to be discussing anyway," I continued.

"Yes," Emmett chimed in "when are we going to Seattle."
"We are not going to Seattle," Carlisle said, looking to Emmett who had an eager expression on his face. He really wanted to go and fight. "At least at not yet. Alice, you are keeping an eye on things, aren't you?"
"Yes though I can't really see how this is going to turn out yet. I don't know who they are, or how many. All I can see currently is the fact the death count will rise tonight," she told us.

"If people are dying, why can't we go and stop these vampires?" Emmett asked and this time, I answered.
"Because we don't know what we're up against. If these vampires are newborns, which the killings suggest, then fighting them would be a whole different ball game to what you're used to. You'd need to learn how to fight them to be Abel to win and I don't like to go into a fight without at least knowing the rough numbers or the threat they pose."

"I agree with Ellie," Jasper spoke. "We can't just run into this. I think Alice should keep watching and if anything changes we should then rethink our decision to intervene."
"The Volturi might step in anyway," Rose added. "I'd this gets much worse, they'll have to stop it before the situation gets more conspicuous. It's bad enough as it is."

"I am rather surprised they haven't done anything yet," Carlisle said and we all seemed to agree. "So that's settled. Right now we will not be going to Seattle but will watch out for any changes that might mean we need to step in and do something, preferably without a fight," Carlisle directed that last part to Emmett.

"What about the intruder taking items from Bella's room?" Edward piped up.
"It's very odd," Carlisle said "I can't see why they'd need to take anything."
"It could only be for her scent," Jasper spoke "but why would they need it?"
"There are too many unknowns," I said "We can't possibly work out why they took Bella's stuff when we don't Ben have the first clue as to who they are."

"Ellie's right," Alice said "We need to find out who this is before we can get any further with it."

We discussed the situation for a it longer, coming to no conclusions whatsoever.

At midnight, Edward got a phone call from Jacob saying Bella had fallen asleep and the party was over. He left to go get Bella, dropping her home before bringing the car back here. Without saying hello, he left and went back to her house.

I lay on my bed for the rest of the night, thinking over everything that was going on. It was extremely frustrating and I could not work out what was going on.

Though I was more worried about the situation in Seattle, because of Kyle, I could not help directing most of my thoughts to the mysterious intruder. Why had they needed Bella's scent?


Hey everyone. It's been two weeks since my last update and I know this is quite short but it's 01:10 and I am too tired to write the next chapter right now. I will write it when I'm up later today, hopefully this afternoon.

Have you read Midnight Sun yet? All I can say is that it was amazingggg!!!!!

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