Chapter 5 - Arguements

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The morning passed quickly. I met up with my family when the bell rang signalling the start of break. "Where's Edward?" I asked.
"He's sitting on his own today," Alice told us all. "Well, he'll be sitting with Bella."

"Why can't he just leave her alone!" Rosalie scowled.
"Could you leave Emmett alone? Never talk to him again?" She didn't answer me and I smiled smugly.
"You don't even know what it's like! You haven't found your mate, you have no idea what I feel for Emmett or what this is like for Edward so stop acting like you do. I don't care if he is your brother, stop getting involved in things that aren't to do with you!"
"And it is to do with you?"
"Yes. This could implicate our entire family! Something you are not a part of."

I gasped and couldn't answer. A smug smile formed on Rosalie's face before she turned and stormed off. Emmett followed her then Jasper. Alice hesitated but I shook my head at her; I wanted to be alone. She left to join the others in the Cafeteria.

I walked to the parking lot. Then I remembered that my car was at the Cullens' house so I ran there. Carlisle was at the hospital but I knew Esme was at the house. I got in my car as quickly and as quietly as I could and drove off before Esme would have a chance to talk to me.

I felt bad knowing I wouldn't see her again, that I wouldn't see any of them again. I would have cried if I could. Because I wouldn't see them again, because of the hurt I felt. They didn't think I was part of their family, didn't want me to be, so I wouldn't be. I'd leave.

I drove not knowing where I was going. I didn't really have anywhere to go. It was about an hour before I thought about what this would do to Edward and what it would do to me. I'd lost him once before, I couldn't lose him again. I pulled the car into a lay-by and broke down. I shook with tearless sobs.

After about 20 minutes I decided to go back. I had to say goodbye to Edward before I left.

The car ride back lasted about an hour. I didn't know what I was going to say to Edward; he'd probably read what had happened through all their minds.

When I arrived back at school it was fifth lesson. I was supposed to be in Chemistry and was walking to the science block when I saw Edward sat in his Volvo.

I walked over to it and knocked on the window before opening the door and getting in. "Hey," I said breaking the silence that had been growing for the last couple of minutes.
"I thought I'd lost you again," Edward whispered. "Alice saw you leaving but she wouldn't tell me why. She said it was a conversation we needed to have. Why would you leave? How could you leave me?"

"That's why I came back. I couldn't leave you, at least not without talking to you first."
"So you are still leaving?"
"I'm not sure yet. It depends if I can work things out with Rosalie or not."
"Rosalie? What did she do?"

"It was at break when you were already in the Cafeteria. Alice has just told us that you wouldn't be sitting with us today, you would be sitting with Bella. Then Rosalie said:
'Why can't he just leave her alone!' She was very annoyed with you so I said:
'Could you leave Emmett alone? Never talk to him again?' She didn't answer me immediately like she normally does and I smiled. Then she screamed at me:
'You don't even know what it's like! You haven't found your mate, you have no idea what I feel for Emmett or what this is like for Edward so stop acting like you do. I don't care if he is your brother, stop getting involved in things that aren't to do with you!' So I said:
'And it is to do with you?'
'Yes. This could implicate our entire family! Something you are not a part of.'

And that's when she stormed off and I decided to leave. Edward didn't say anything. He was visibly fuming.
"She said that to you?" He asked, anger filling his voice.
"She's going to-" Suddenly Edward froze.
"What's wrong?" I asked. "Edward?" 

Edward almost took the door off the car as he opened it and walked across the parking lot. I opened my door so I could see what had made him get out of the car. There was Mike Newton carrying the limp body of a girl. A girl who I realised was named Bella Swan. Of course Edward had left that abruptly. Especially after their conversation at break.

"Bella?" I heard him call as Mike lay Bella on the ground. I debated going over to but figured Edward would want this time to himself.

I watched Edward pick Bella up and carry her at arms length towards the nurse's office. I took over his vision briefly showing him the words 'Be Careful'. He nodded slightly but not enough that anyone would notice.

After they had rounded the corner, I got out of Edward's car and got into mine. I wasn't going to Chemistry. Edward and Bella reappeared not too long after they had left and were stood near Edward's car.

Bella turned to walk away and Edward caught her by the hood, pulling her back. They spoke a bit more before Edward released Bella then walked round to his side of the car and getting in. Bella stood rigidly outside the car for a few moments before Edward rolled down the window and said something else.

I could have heard what they were saying but I wanted to give them their privacy. Bella then got in the car and they drove off.

I sat on my car throughout the rest of the hour.
The bell rang but I didn't leave for my next lesson. I sat in my car until the final bell rang, signalling the end of the day.


Shoutout to: @haihaihailolololol 💚💚💚

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