Chapter 3 - Grandparents

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*Edited* 16/04/2020 - Please comment any grammar errors if missed. Thank you.

I continued to trudge through each equally slow day. Everything continued without changing until one day I got into an argument with my grandmother.

"Why are you always drawing them?" Grandmother asked, seeming frustrated and annoyed. I looked up from my drawing of me, Father, Mother and Edward.
"Because I have so many happy memories with them and this is how I like to remember." I liked drawing my family as I tried to only remember times like the ones I drew, not times when we were upset, arguing, or when they were sick.

"You should not. Reminding yourself all the time like this isn't good for you."
"They are my family."
"We don't talk about them!" She scolded.
"Why not?" I yelled back. I shouldn't yell; Grandmother and Mother would disapprove. I didn't care about my Grandmother's disapproval but I never wanted to disappoint my mother. I continued. "You and Grandfather are the only people that know what happened and the only ones I could talk to about it. But no, I have to suffer on my own."
"How dare you speak to me like that young lady?! You will stay in here until you can learn to behave!"

With that, my grandmother left my room and shut the door. I heard the lock click behind her and I immediately stood up and ran to my door but couldn't open it. Grandmother had locked me in.

I stayed like that for 3 days. Once a day, and only once, was my door opened to bring me a glass of water and a slice of bread and cheese. Grandmother didn't speak to me when she came in. Just set the glass and plate on my dresser before leaving and locking the door once more.


Sorry for the short chapter, the next one is longer. Xx

Shoutout to: @makhiafoster 💛💛💛

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