Chapter 12 - Text

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Just a bit of a heads up. The next two chapters will be fairly short. But after that, all the drama is on the way.


Life was great. Not perfect, but close to it.

I was in love and spending time with Kyle brought me so much joy.

But then there was still the issue with my brother. Edward wasn't speaking to me, even though I had messaged him and rung him though he had never once picked up. I left a message after the beep but he never responded.

Other than that though, I was pretty happy.

I was happy when I was out with Kyle but when at the house, I grew more depressed thinking about Edward. It scared me that he may never talk to me again.

I painted to pass the time between my dates with Kyle. Carlisle had generously bought me an easel and a set of expensive looking paints as I had never had any before. It was the first time I had been able to add colour to my drawings.

I wasn't sure if I'd be any good at painting but after a couple of attempts, I got the hang of it.

The first thing I painted (well) was a beautiful, white lily.

After I'd practiced a bit, I painted a Kyle and I out together, walking hand in hand towards a sunset

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After I'd practiced a bit, I painted a Kyle and I out together, walking hand in hand towards a sunset. Technically we hand never walked hand in hand towards a sunset but it was it was close enough and I liked the idea of Kyle and I found that I hoped some day we would.

As happy as I was, I couldn't keep Edward from  my mind.

One day I sent him a text saying:
'I can't do this anymore, Edward! Just tell me why you left! I won't be mad, I promise,but I just need to know.'
Then another one saying:

Surprised was too mild a word for how I felt after I received a response. Astounded was probably better.

'Ask Jasper.' Was all he said. It was two words but it's the most he'd said.

After the shock of Edward actually replying, came relief then annoyance and suspicion.

Jasper must have known this entire time. He has watched me worry over possibly never speaking to my brother again and not knowing what I'd done when he'd known this whole time?! How could he keep that from me? Why would he? That's where the suspicion came. What could have been so bad that he wouldn't have told me?

I immediately ran downstairs where I knew Jasper was.

"Tell me," was all I said as I stood before where he was sat with Alice on one of the sofas.
"Tell you what?" He asked though from my tone I'm pretty sure he knew what I was talking about.
"You know why Edward left and what's wrong so tell me." I folded my arms across my chest showing I wasn't going to budge on this or leave before he told me.
"Fine," he sighed after a few moments of silence. "The reason he left was..."


And that is where it ends. I'm pretty sure that's the first cliffhanger I have ended with on any chapter in this story.

The next chapter should be out soon and after that, a lot more shall begin to happen. I warn you now that not everything will turn out as you may wish.

Any ideas on what's to come?

Until next time.

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