Chapter 23 - Move

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Once we were back at the house, Alice told us everything that had happened from when she'd had the vision up until when they got back.

We were all waiting to hear from Edward or for him to return when Alice suddenly squealed. We all turned to look at her in surprise.
"Yes!" She exclaimed, her voice full of excitement.
"What is it, Alice?" Jasper asked.
"We're moving back!" She announced.

I was suddenly very happy, the happiest I had been in awhile.

I was happy because I liked Forks. I was happy because I would not have to go back to Naperville and be so close to where I'd spent so much time with Kyle. Most of all, I was happy because I it meant Edward and Bella had made up and Edward being happy made me happy.

Our relationship hadn't been the best recently but I hoped that being back here, together, might help with that.

I was also glad to have Bella back. It had been strange not having her around, with Edward. Thinking about it, it was also strange to not have been at school, which is very odd considering I'd only been there for a short while. I was looking forward to going back.

As soon as Alice announced we were staying, we removed all the dust sheets covering the furniture and Carlisle phoned some moving company to transport our clothes and other belongings.

"Everything should be here by tomorrow," he said, walking into the living room where Esme and I were sat on the sofa.

Alice and Jasper were in their room enjoying each other's company, shall we say, after Alice being away for a few days. I know Jasper had been very worried about her and with good reason. Compared to some of the Volturi members Alice seemed relatively harmless. Though I knew that wasn't the case, it was still hard to picture her up against someone like Felix.

Rose and Emmett walked in at that point and Rose answered Carlisle saying: "Good, I need my wardrobe to arrive; I didn't leave many clothes here."
"And the 14 bags you brought from Denali aren't enough?" I asked.
"I've already worn those clothes," she answered and I rolled my eyes.

I was very happy to wear the same outfit many times, Alice and Rose, on the other hand, seemed to think clothes were only for wearing once.

"Come shopping with me this weekend, El?" Rose asked.
"Sure," I said. It would be nice to go out. "I assume Alice will be joining us."
"Depends if she wants to do something with Bella but I've never seen her turn down a shopping trip before." I laughed at that, imagining Alice turn down shopping. I just couldn't picture it.

We spent some time talking and I added Carlisle and Esme's numbers to my phone, before heading up to my room.

I took my sketch pad out my bag, that I had brought down from Denali, and proceeded to rip out the recent pages and add them to my wall of drawings. I'd nearly filled the whole wall and would have to move to the next one fairly soon.

It was nice to just lay down on my bed for awhile. Though it wasn't necessary, as I don't get tired, it felt nice to lay there. Whilst I lay there, I listened to a range of music and everything seemed quiet and peaceful until around 2.40 am when Alice announced that Bella and Edward were coming over and Bella wanted to discuss something important.



Hey, sorry for the wait everyone. I'm not really sure why it's taken me longer than usual to update, I guess I just thought I'd updated more recently than I had. I know this chapter's short but the next one should be out, either in a minute, or tomorrow at some point and it will be much longer.

Hope everyone's doing alright during lockdown. I'm from England so we're still fully in lockdown and I'm still off school but what about you guys? What's it like for you at the moment?

Until next time, which shouldn't be too long. Xx

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