Chapter 14 - Split

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I had thought long and hard about my decision and I knew what I needed to do even though I knew it would cause me great pain.

I had spent the rest of the day and that night at the river trying to come to a conclusion on what I was going to do without actually deciding as I did not want to tip Alice off on any decision I made in case she tried to stop me.

Edward was my brother and even though I loved Kyle, family comes first. I'd spent almost 100 years missing Edward every day and I could not go through another 100 doing the same. Though I only thought this once I was out the house and it was too late for Alice to do anything about it.

I had plans to meet up with Kyle that day so, somewhat reluctantly, I drove round to his house.

The whole way there I was running through different scenarios in my head on how I could tell him and how he would react.

I hated the thought of causing him any pain so I would make it as quick as I could. I would try not to prolong the conversation and would give him the quickest and most believable explanation I could.

I couldn't tell him the truth. I couldn't tell him that is being together was hurting my brother so much that he wouldn't talk to me due to the very complex situation between him and his mate. I couldn't tell him that I was a vampire and would remain this age forever whilst he grew older. I couldn't tell him the only chance for us would be if I changed him, causing him excruciating pain and putting his life in danger through me having to taste his blood. Not to mention that causing such problems between Edward and I since he refused to change Bella.

During the drive I ran over all the reasons I couldn't be with Kyle, trying to convince myself that this was the right thing to do. Not just for me but for Kyle. It wasn't healthy for a human to be with a vampire, constantly putting their life in danger. I wasn't being fair to Kyle, leading him in knowing it couldn't last forever. We would have to move at some point anyway and Kyle has his mother to look after here. It was better to end things now than get more invested and have to do it later on.

I pulled up into his driveway and slowly got out the car. Only second after I'd knocked on the door, it opened, revealing Kyle whose smile widened once he saw me. Suddenly I felt more awful seeing him happy to see me.

"Hey, Ellie," he greeted me. I managed a small smile. He embraced me but I was stiff in his arms and could not bring myself to hug him back. Kyle pulled away, keeping his hands on the side on the upper arms, concern on his face. "Are you alright?" He asks worriedly.
"Can we talk?" I asked quietly.
"Of course," he answered.

I followed him into the lounge where he sat down on the sofa. Instead of sitting next to him, I sat on the armchair, thinking it would be better if there was space between us.

"What's going on, Ellie?" Kyle asked after we had been sat there, in silence, for several moments. I wasn't sure how to begin.

"I don't really know how to say this, Kyle, so I'm just going to say it." I took a deep breath. "I don't think we should see each other anymore."

I couldn't bring myself to look at him.

"What?" He asked quietly after another moment of silence.
"I don't think we should see each other anymore," I repeated brining my eyes up to meet his. They were wide and slightly unbelieving. I couldn't blame him for the surprise; it was very sudden given how well things were going.

"Why?" He breathed. "Did I do something wrong? Please give me another chance, Ellie. Whatever it is I'll fix it, just please." I focused my gaze on his nose, not being able to look into his pain filled eyes any longer.
"You didn't do anything wrong, Kyle," I assured him. "It's not you, it's m-"
"It's not you, it's me?" He interrupted. "That's seriously the best you can give me?" He was angry. I could work with angry; it made it easier than if he was sad.

"I'm sorry," I said "I know it's usually crap and it's kind of the classic break up line but it's true. You have done nothing wrong Kyle. I have enjoyed being with you so much and you have helped me through a lot so believe me when I say this is all my fault. I never should have started this. It was wrong of me and I apologise for that."
"What are you talking about?" He yelled. "Why was it wrong!" I hadn't realised until then but we were both stood up.

"You can tell me," he said more quietly.
"I can't," I whispered.

"So that's it, is it?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "We're over?" I just nodded.

I was struggling to hold myself together. I know that if it were possible for me to cry I would have been then. There was an ache starting in my chest and I hated the feeling. I hated seeing him mad at me. I hated that I was causing him pain. I hated this whole thing but I had to do it; it wasn't possible for us to be together.

"Ok." It's all he said. His voice sounded sad though he was trying to hide it. We stood there in silence, neither one of us knowing how to proceeded.

"I hope all goes well for you, Ellie," he said a moment later. I nodded in reply.
"You too." There was another moment of silence. "Goodbye, Kyle," I whispered.

I turned to leave but as I walked through the lounge door frame I looked back.

I wish I hadn't.

Kyle's face was contorted in pain and a single tear streaked down his cheek. I could barely contain my own sob. I knew he'd be upset and I knew it might have been painful to him but I never thought it would be that bad and so soon after it had happened.

I took in that image of Kyle, though it was not a pleasant image to remember. I wanted to savour my last look at Kyle knowing it would be the last time I ever saw him.


This was a bit of a sad chapter 😭

I know it was short. The next couple will be as well but longer chapters are coming.

Any thoughts on this chapter?

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