Chapter 2 (Part 3) - Kisses

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Not going to lie, I completely forgot Kyle was a part of this story now. 😂😂

Back at the house, we were in Alice's room. Edward was composing in the living room and Esme was there too. So instead of disturbing them, we'd kicked Jasper out of this room so we could sit here. Admittedly, he had been annoyed but it didn't last long since he went into Emmett and Rose's room to play video games with Emmett, who was probably plotting his revenge on Bella.

Kyle, Edward, and Carlisle had gone out hunting. Kyle was adjusting well to the diet but he still didn't like to hunt alone. He felt out of control whilst giving himself over to his natural instincts whilst hunting and was scared he would catch a human scent and not be able to resist. So Carlisle tended to take him further away to hunt, especially during the first couple of trips. I guess Edward decided to go along for the fun of it and I was very glad they got along. And that both Carlisle and Edward approved.

"So, Rosalie, truth or dare?" Alice asked, drawing me from my thoughts.

"Truth," she answered.

"Why did you hate Bella so much when you first met?"

"Dare," Rose answered immediately. I knew and Bella knew so I felt kind of bad Alice wasn't in on the secret but I get why Rose didn't want to admit the reason out loud especially as she didn't know we knew.

"Oh, ok," Alice said, slightly confused. "I dare you to smash up one of the cars."

"What? No!" Rose exclaimed.

"Sorry you have to; rules of the game," I said.

"But I love my cars."

"Technically Alice didn't say it had to be one of yours," Bella pointed out.

"Well Edward would kill me," Rose started. "I wouldn't dare touch your Porsche Alice so don't worry. Jasper doesn't have a car, only that motorbike. I'm not destroying Carlisle's Mercedes. So that leaves Emmett," she sighed. "He has not had a good day."

I could help but laugh.

We stood up, making our way to the garage. Stopping in front of Emmett's jeep, Rose lifted up her fist about to bring it down on the hood of the vehicle when Emmett and Jasper appeared in the doorway.

"Jasper said you felt really guilty, so we came to see what's up," Emmett said to Rose before taking in her position, poised to hit his car. "What the hell are you doing?" He exclaimed.

"Sorry," she said, sincerity in her voice. "Truth or dare." With that she brought her fist down creating a large indent in the hood of the jeep.

"Rose!" Emmett cried. "Stop!"

But she didn't. Rose pummelled the hood of the car to what looked like way beyond repair.

"You know what," Emmett said "I have decided I hate truth or dare. I have had a really crap day. But I'm gonna get you back Bella, and you too now Rose," he said before walking off with Jasper, no doubt plotting his revenge.

"I'll fix it later," Rose called after Emmett.

"Doesn't look like you'll be able to," he called back.

"He doesn't think I can fix it?" Rose asked, clearly annoyed. "We'll see about that."

Immediately setting to work, at vampire speed, Rose began to attempt to fix the car.

"Don't you think that kind of defeats the point of the dare," Bella said.

"He saw his car get smashed up, the least I can do is try to fix it," Rose answered, not looking up from her work.

"If you're going to fix it now, can we continue the game whilst you do. It's only me left," I said, not wanting this to be dragged out any later.

"Ok, Ellie, truth or dare?" Rose asked me, mainly concentrating on the jeep.

"Truth," I answered. None of us had actually spilled any secrets and I loved that part of the game. So, even though it would be me having to tell something, I'd rather that than all dares.

"What was your first kiss?" She asked absentmindedly.

"Erm," I had to think for a moment. "It was way back, around 1916," I said which I think surprised them all. They were probably expecting me to say Kyle. Rose even looked up from her mechanic work.

"With who?" Alice asked intrigued, excited for the gossip.

"His name was Ben," I told them. "His dad owned a farm and they used to come to the market held near my house on the first Sunday of every month. We became friends and had liked each other for awhile. One day we snuck off by ourselves and kissed."

"Come on, Ellie, details," Alice squealed, eager to know more.

I rolled my eyes.

"There really isn't that much to tell," I told her. "We snuck off during one of the markets to behind this temporary stable thing. We kissed, it was short, sweet and very nice, but short. Really it wasn't allowed, we weren't courting and were only about 14, maybe just 15. But that made it all the better, a forbidden kiss. After that he went back to his stall, and I continued my shopping before heading home. We always liked each other but we never spoke of it again."

"Ah, young love," Alice sighed. "That is so cute though. I obviously can't remember if I had a first kiss as a human, but I seriously doubt it. I remember my first kiss with Jasper though. Oh it was just so perfect."

"Details, Alice," I teased.

"You know how we met at the diner and after that travelled to find the others," Alice began "It was during that journey. Early on, the second morning to be exact. We were both thirsty and needed to hunt so I found us a herd of deer and showed Jasper the best way to attack. He picked it up incredibly quickly and took down two deer followed by a coyote within 20 minutes. His thirst was harder to satisfy with animal blood so he drank more than me. I remember him stood there, hair tousled, shirt slightly ripped and bloodied and he just looked so hot so I pounced on him. His instincts took over and he pinned me in seconds. Then we looked into each other's eyes and I felt so much love for him, then we kissed."

"Much better than mine," Bella muttered.

"What was yours?" I asked.

"It was just after Edward and I's first 'date' in our meadow. I still loved it, I'm not saying it wasn't amazing because it was. But Edward being a vampire and me being human and all meant it couldn't exactly be as...passionate I wouldn't have liked," Bella explained. I was kind of surprised she'd never kissed anyone before Edward. Not that I imagined Bella being much of a flirt back in Arizona.

"I felt the same with Kyle," I said. "We were at a concert and the whole thing was incredible. It was the perfect moment, the perfect setting, the perfect person, but I knew we could never be together in that way, or in any way, because I was a vampire."

"What was your first kiss, Rosalie?" Bella asked Rose who had taken a break from her work to listen to our conversation.

"It was 1933 with Royce King, the son of a bitch," she growled. "It was alright, nothing special looking back on it but at the time I was in love which made it a thousand times better. The thought of kissing him makes me sick."

"What about your first kiss with Emmett?" I asked.

"It wasn't long after he had been changed," she said. "Carlisle had explained what had happened, how I had found him, how he had turned him, and how he was now a vampire. Emmett, being Emmett, took it all very well, too well for any sane person. Then he turned to me and said 'You're telling me I get to spend eternity with the angel that saved me' and before I could do anything, he kissed me. I was so shocked I almost slapped him but luckily stopped myself. It was an amazing kiss, a proper kiss. Not one of those short peck on the lips kisses but a deep, long, tongue and everything type of kiss."

"Ew, Rose!" I exclaimed. "I did not need to know that, go back to fixing your car."

We all started laughing and in that moment I felt truly happy.

I got to spend eternity with these idiots.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2021 ⏰

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