Chapter 3 - Chase

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"As Victoria is coming tonight, I think it would be best to go over the plan for what is going to happen," Carlisle said. We were all in the living room. "Jasper?"

We all turned to Jasper as he had the expertise when fighting.

"Once Alice sees Victoria has arrived, the plan is to surround her and obviously take her down. Carlisle and Esme will take the right, Ellie you take the left and Alice and I will be behind. Emmett and Rosalie will attempt to get in front of her and block her off."

Everyone was fine with the plan, except me.

"It won't work," I said, standing up from the chair I was sat in.
"And why not?" Jasper asked.
"She's too fast. When I ran into her the last time she was here, I couldn't catch her. She's faster than all of us. Edward might be faster but he's not here, which is extremely unhelpful but what can you do? Bella's safety comes first, as always," my tone was slightly sarcastic by the end.

There was no way Victoria was going to get to Bella with all of us here. It was hardly necessary to fly her to the other side of the country and for Edward, our coven's fastest and most gifted member, to go with her.

Though I knew they hated being apart. I understood why now.

"Then we can send Emmett and Rosalie up ahead of us, further away than we know she'll be so they can block her off as we come at her from the sides and behind," Jasper said.
"Whatever you say, Jasper," I said before sitting back down.

I knew this wouldn't work. Alice has told us where she saw Victoria and it was very close to the treaty line. If Victoria was there, the wolves would be too and then Alice would be blind. Though that didn't seem to have occurred to the others.

"Time to go, everyone," Alice announced and we all left.

We were ready to chase Victoria. I hoped we could get her tonight and end all of this.

We headed out into the woods, waiting for Victoria to come by.

I knew she was close; I could smell her.

"That's just what I needed!" Alice said sounding frustrated. We'd only been stood in the forest for a few minutes.

"What is it, Alice?" Carlisle asked.
"I can't see anything. The wolves are here."

Called it.

"She's here!" We heard Emmett call and then we were off. We followed their scents until we found Emmett and Rose running behind Victoria.

They were close to having her but then she jumped.

"She's on their land now," Carlisle said and we were forced to stop.
"She'll get away!" Rose complained. I knew she just wanted this whole Victoria thing to be over, like the rest of us did.
"No, she won't," I said and started running as close to the treaty line as I could get, following the path Victoria was going.

The others were close behind me until Emmett said "Ellie, stay here in case she comes back this way." I stopped.
"Why me?" I asked but it was too late; they were already off.

I sighed and kept my eyes on Victoria as she ran. I tried to take over her sight and I saw her stumble but that was it.

Then I saw the wolves behind her. There were only two but they were huge. I wasn't sure what I'd been expecting but that certainly wasn't it.

Then suddenly I was on the ground, a heavy weight on top of me. It was a wolf. A grey wolf. It's sharp teeth were bared, and very close to my face.

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