Chapter 5 - New life

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I ran. As fast and as far as I could. I didn't stop until I reached the ocean. The port sign read Liverpool. I must have been running for days, oblivious to my surroundings.

I looked for a boat but even though there were many, none seemed to be leaving. It was dark. I dove into the water and began to swim at my new found speed caused by my transformation.

My head was still not clear. Full of the disgust I felt for my new self and what I had done. I had to get as far away as possible.

I swam until I reached land. Once I was there I realised that I had not breathed once.

I was in America. New York City. I climbed out of the water just before dawn. I ran so fast no one could see me. I was concealed behind a ship when the sun rose. I could hear voices approaching so I step out from behind the ship to run and hide but a weird reflection hit the metal of a ship.

My eyes narrowed at the lighter sparkle coming off the ship. That's when I noticed my hand. It was as if my skin was made of a million tiny crystals. I immediately stepped back into the shade to hide from the workers whose voices were becoming increasingly louder.

I crept round the side of the large ship then, when I was sure no one was looking, darted across the shipyard and out of sight.

After that I hid during the day and only came out at night. I didn't stay in New York. I continued north until I reached Canada. I stayed in the woods, not wanting to be seen by any humans.


I had only been there for 2 days and my thirst burned in my throat. I hadn't fed since I had murdered half the whole village of Angmering.

I was weak with thirst but I reckoned I could still knock down a tree. It was then I caught the scents of two vampires just before I saw them.

A male and female vampire were stood several metres away into the forest. I was about to turn and run but the woman called out "Hello?" I didn't answer. "We won't hurt you." She must have read the nervousness and hesitation in my face.

I didn't answer again so they started to approach me at a human pace. "Hello," the woman repeated once they were a few feet in front of me. "My name is Carmen and this is my mate Eleazar."
"I'm Eliana."
"It's nice to meet you Eliana," the man, Eleazar, told me.

It was then that I noticed that their eyes were a golden colour, not red.
"Why are your eyes that colour?" I asked.
"It's because we do not hunt humans," Carmen explained. "We feed on animals instead."
"I might have to try that."
"Really?" Carmen asked. "No other Vampires will change to our way of life."
"I haven't hunted in two days because I killed a village and I am disgusted with myself." I don't know why I told them so much.

"Wow," Eleazar commented "Your gift is incredibly powerful."
"My gift? What's a gift?"
"When some humans get transformed, a special gift manifests."
"And I have one?"
"Yes. You can control what people can see, hear and smell."
"Really? How do you know?"
"That's my gift. I can sense what gifts others have."
"What can you do?" I asked Carmen.
"Oh, I don't have a gift."
"Carmen, we really must get going. Tanya, Kate and Irina will be expecting us back by tomorrow."

"It was nice to meet you Eliana," Carmen told me. "Maybe we'll see you again some day."
"Good bye," I replied and they ran off into the forest.

The burning in my throat grew and I had to hunt. I let my nose guide me towards the animal that smelt the best. It was a bear. I killed it easily and drank its blood. I wasn't sure if it was as good as the humans'. I hadn't paid much attention whilst I'd drank the blood of the people of Angmering.

It satisfied the thirst and that was all I cared about.

Over the next few years, I continued to live this way. I stayed in the forests of Canada and hunted the animals it was home to. I met no other vampires or humans the whole time.

I couldn't practice my gift on people, as there were t any, so I practiced in the animals. I made it so they couldn't smell or hear or see me. Sometimes I made it so they could see someone else or a different place so I could sneak up in them.

I had been there for years but I was bored. I needed a change. I wished Edward was here. I wished he could live like this with me forever but he was gone and I was stuck in this life on my own.

So I left. There was one place I'd always wanted to go but it was not very well know. Goodbye Canada hello America.

Next stop Rochester.


Hey guys. I've edited Chapter 4 slightly but in case you haven't read it. Eliana has her 16th birthday before she became a vampire but it was ignored by her grandparents. Hope you're enjoying the story. Xx

Shoutout to: @Iwillow03 💙💙💙

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