Chapter 2 - England

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*Edited* 22/02/2020 - Please comment any grammar errors if missed. Thank you.

I drew on the plane ride. The plane ride that Nanny Odelle paid for with my mother and father's money. How dare she use their money?

The flight lasted 8 hours and I spent the whole time drawing. I drew my bedroom and the village square when the market was in town. I tried not to think about living with my grandparents or about my family. Or about other people I was leaving behind: my friends... Ben.

I'd never see Ben again and I felt guilty for not telling him I was leaving but how could I? I didn't know his address so couldn't write to him. He was in Egypt anyway at the moment so even if I did know where he lived I couldn't have gone and spoken to him and a letter just seemed rude. Ben and I weren't just friends, we were something more (though I wasn't entirely sure what) and a letter didn't seem the right way to tell him I'd moved away and would never see him again. Is there a right way to tell someone that? Either way there was no way for me to tell him. I'm sure he'd forget about me sooner or later and get on with life. Marry a nice girl as I would have to marry an English gentleman. That was not something I was looking forward to. English people were very different form us Americans.

The plane landed in London and from there I took a train for 3.5 hours until we reached a station in the countryside. The station's name was Angmering: my new home.

My grandparents were waiting for me. I had only met them a couple of times and that was before they moved to England. I hadn't seen them in about 7 years.

I recognised them immediately but there was only one other woman at the station so it could only really be them.
"Eliana," Grandmother greeted me with a hug. "It's good to see you again."
"Lovely to see you too Grandmother and you Grandfather," I turned to face him.
"Eliana." He hugged me and we all left the station.

The village was very much in the countryside. Living in Chicago all my life I had never see so much green. This would be a perfect place for landscape drawings. We exchanged a few lines of conversation on the way home but none of us mentioned Mother, Father or Edward.

They were the only people I would have wanted to speak to about it because they were also family but I didn't want to talk about it. The grief was still too much.

They lived about 15 minutes from the station and as we turned into a road I saw the house. It was the only one down the road and was made of stone with a thatched roof. It was a lot bigger than my house but it was how I had always imagined a house in the country.

Once inside, Grandmother showed me to my bedroom which was beautiful. The walls were a pale shade of pink and there was a double bed set along the far wall. Light, white curtains were tied at each side of the window above my bed. Looking outside I could see what I presumed was the garden but was more like a massive field.

I ran down the stairs not caring about being ladylike. I was a 15 year old girl excited about their new house and garden but just as I stepped outside, I stopped.

I was enjoying myself. How could I enjoy something that was only happening because of the death of my family? It made me few sick that I had forgotten about them and the grief had been overtaken with excitement.

Less enthusiastically, I walked into the back garden. There was a small stable-like building on the left and I went to look inside. I peered over the bottom half of the stable door to see three dogs playing in the hay that covered the floor.

As soon as they saw me, all three ran over and started jumping up at the door. I opened the door but only wide enough that I could just get through, not wanting to let the dogs out.

The three of them surrounded me as I crouched down in the hay and I stroked each of them. "Hello," I said in the sort of voice people use when talking to dogs. "I'm Eliana. I wonder what your names are?" I'd always wanted a dog, though I knew we could never afford one, and now I was living with three!

After about 15 minutes of crouching down my legs started to cramp up so I stood up and left the stable promising the dogs I would be back soon. I looked over the rest of the garden and saw a set of table and chairs, a swing and a bench further into the garden.

I ran upstairs once more an grabbed my sketch pad and pencils and took them outside to the table and chairs. I sat down, turned to a clean page in the pad and began to draw the garden. Soon after I had begun Grandmother called me in for Supper.

We only had sandwiches, pies and and a range of fruit as it was late and Grandmother hadn't wanted to start cooking when we got in. However, it was all delicious as the bread and pies were freshly baked.

After supper, Grandmother said I could go back outside again but not for that long as I had had a long day and needed to get some rest. Just like that doctor from yesterday. I'd already forgotten his name.

The sunset was beautiful and I drew it kn a separate page before returning to my drawing of the garden. The light was different now so I decided to leave my drawing until the sun came out tomorrow.


I was homeschooled by Grandmother and she taught me how to cook and sow and knit and other thing such as etiquette. It was the same as what Mother had been teaching me.

Ben crossed my mind, mainly when I looked at the large garden and animals they had and wondered whether his farm was anything like this. But thoughts of him dwindled as time went on. Thoughts of Edward, however, were always fresh in my mind.

I missed my brother everyday. We had always done everything together. I had always relied on him, always told him everything. We were a team. Always.


Shoutout to: @original099 🧡🧡🧡

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