Chapter 11 - Fights

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Biochem passed quickly and I walked to Gym with Jessica. I paused outside the entrance to the changing rooms as I saw Edward and Bella.

They didn't speak. Edward just reached out his hand and as he did I gasped. Lightly, his fingered caressed her cheek. Edward pulled his hand back, I could see, with considerable effort and turned and started to walk away.

The risks he would take for her. It would be so much easier if she was like us. Edward's head snapped round to face me. The look I got from him silenced my thoughts and caused me to freeze.

I turned away before he did and strode into the changing room, inexplicably angry with him.

Gym was just as boring as usual. I always won my games, I just had to make it pretty close. I couldn't use my vampire speed or strength. It was aggravating. I couldn't imagine how Emmett felt with his extremely competitive nature.

At one point in the lesson I heard Coach Clapp speak to Mike Newton, the boy that Edward had an intense dislike for, and from my understanding, wanted to kill.

"Let Miss Swan have a chance to play, Mr Newton." Bella reluctantly stepped forward, holding her racket at an awkward angle. The girl serving, hit the ball straight to Bella. I thought that was a bit unnecessary though I would have done the same thing. You always have to look for the other side's weakness. I learnt that a long time ago.

Bella swung the racket miles wide of the shuttlecock coming at her. I could see what was going to happen, from the racket's trajectory, before it did. Bella accidentally let go of the racket which hit the taut net, bounced back, and clipped Bella's forehand before hitting Mike in the arm. "Sorry Newton," The clack said before pointedly turning his back so Mike could continue to play on his own.

I wondered if Edward was listening. He wouldn't be happy about Bella hurting herself. Seriously, can she not even last an hour without injuring herself or getting into trouble?

It seemed Mike had got the worst end of it, though. Bella seemed fine as she retreated, once more, to the back of the court, where she held the racket carefully behind her back. I stifled a laugh, I'm sure Edward would have done the same. Mike was massaging his arm but only when Bella looked away. He didn't want Bella to see he was a wimp. I stifled another laugh but didn't do quite as well this time and had to turn it into a cough. I got several looks from the people around me.

After Gym, I left with Bella. "Are you alright?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"
"One, you hit your head. Two, you look kind of sad."
"My head's fine. I'm not sad exactly, but-"

Just then Mike walked up to us, where we had stopped walking just outside of the changing room door. What great timing.
"So," he said only speaking to Bella. He didn't even look at me. How rude. I suddenly understood some of Edward's dislike towards him.
"So what?" Bella asked.
"You and Cullen, huh?" I could see there was more behind the sentence. Something he didn't say. I didn't like the way he said 'Cullen'. And what is it to Mike?

"That's none of your business Mike," Bella sounded defensive.
"I don't like it," Mike said. I could feel myself baring my teeth and I had to hold in a snarl I could feel rising in my chest.
"You don't have to," Bella snapped. Bella had suddenly risen in my expectations. Alice had been right, as she often is. Bella was not one to underestimate.

"He looks at you you're something to eat." I froze. Maybe Forks was becoming a bit too aware. I was anxious for Bella's response but she just laughed. Mike turned and walked off, his face sullen.

"Did you actually just laugh, Bella?"
"Yeah." She blushed.
"Seriously. That wasn't funny."
"What did you want me to say? You're right Mike, Edward does want to feed from me?"
"No, but you don't seem to understand." Before either of us could say anything else, Bella saw something and her eyes lit up. Edward. "Go on then," I whispered and Bella walked over to Edward.

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