Chapter 14 - Explanation

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"How did it go, Alice?" Carlisle asked as soon as he got in. "I presume it went well as you didn't call me."
"It did, Carlisle. It went incredibly well," Alice told him.
"Edward kissed Bella!" I exclaimed excitedly.
"Did he now? That was incredibly dangerous but I guess if it all went well then that's all that matters." I smiled. It was all that mattered. Who cares about us being exposed? Edward and Bella's day went well.

Where is Edward?" Carlisle asked.
"He's not back yet," I told him.
"He won't be back until later tonight." Alice added.

Whilst we waited for Edward, I went up to my room and decided to hang up all of my drawings. I ripped each page out of my sketch pad and covered one of my bedroom walls with them. The first drawing in the pad was from when I was about 5 and first learning to draw; it was a flower. The last drawing was the one I had drawn most recently of Edward and I.

Thinking of Edward with Bella made me want to find someone to be like that with. Someone who wanted to spend all their time with you.
I couldn't think like that. I didn't want that. I knew that person. They weren't right for me. I couldn't have that.

Luckily I heard Edward enter the house to distract me from my thoughts. I didn't want him to know what I was thinking about so I quickly thought about his day with Bella.

I made my way down the stairs to see Edward in the lounge. He looked elated. Emmett and Rosalie were already there; they had been waiting.

I was just at the bottom of the stairs when Emmett said: "Seriously, man. We've all been worried. What happened today?"
"Yeah, how did your big day with the human go?" Rosalie asked sarcastically. It was the first time she had been out of her room all day. "Did you actually manage not to kill her?"
"What's it to you?" Edward snapped. I'd never seen him speak like that before, to anyone. "I thought you all wanted me to just get it over with."

"I don't want to move again!" Rosalie yelled.
"You won't have to," I said annoyed. "How many times do you have to say the same things over an over? 'It could expose us' 'I don't want to move again'. It won't and we don't have to."
"Stop saying 'we'. You're not part of anything. You not part of us. You've only been here for a few days and already you think you're in charge. You're not. You're are nothing. Nothing to me nor anybody else except your precious brother. That's the only reason you're here, you know? Just to keep him happy. Stop him from moping around all the time. But now he has Bella and you make no difference to him or anybody's else. You-"
"Rosalie, enough." Edward snarled, the most ferocious sound I had ever heard. He took a step towards Rosalie and Emmett stepped in front of her, protectively.
"Edward, don't," he said.
"Then stop her from insulting my sister." Edward pulled me to his side.

"Guys, guys." Alice came flirting down the stairs with Jasper behind her. "Lets all just calm down. Suddenly a wave of serenity and calm filled the room. As much as I was grateful for Jasper to prevent the fight before it happened, I didn't want to forget my anger. Rosalie hadn't welcomed me like the others. I wasn't sure why she hated me so much.

"Of course he didn't kill her, Rose. I told you, he loves her." Alice said. Rosalie rolled her eyes.
"Oh, that's right," Jasper chimed in. "You're in love with her now. And I thought I had problems controlling myself." Edward glared at him and Emmett doubled over laughing. "So how's that going anyway?" Jasper continued, barely containing his own laughter.
"Alice, I assume you'll fill them a in," Edward said, voice sour, before racing from the room and up the stairs.

"Everything's fine," Alice clarified. "Edward told Bella a lot about our kind and she was fine with it all. They even kissed." I smiled. Rosalie scowled.
"Do you realise how dangerous that is? He could so easily have killed her."
"But he didn't so it doesn't matter," I said.
"Of course it matters," she fired back.
"I can't be bothered to do this again, I'm going up to my room." With that, I turned and ran up the stairs, vampire speed and to my room.

A few minutes later, there was a knock at my door and Edward came in. "Are you alright?" He asked coming to sit down beside me on my bed.
"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just Rosalie, nothing I can't handle. Why does she hate me so much?"
"I'm not sure."
"You, the mind reader, aren't sure?"
"No. She's gotten into a very annoying habit of blocking me out. She'll think of something random. It's usually a string of insults about me or Bella or me and Bella together."

He looked up at the wall I had covered in drawings. Most were of the two of us. "I didn't know you had so many," he said.
"Most are from when I was human. Only the last few and recent ones. I spent a lot of time at or Grandparents' drawing."
"Why?" He asked.
"I didn't tell you?"
"No. I hardly know anything about your life since I became a vampire to when we met at school."
"Grandmother used to lock me in my room so I drew to keep me happy. That was until she found out that I enjoyed it and she took away me sketchpad. I was surprised she didn't burn it or anything."

"I'm sorry, Ellie. I did look for you. I had no idea where you were. I never asked, why were you changed?"
"Grandfather was drunk with a group of his friends. He came across me in a street when it was dark; no one else was around. Him and his friends beat me and raped me and left me fading between consciousness and unconsciousness. Then Demetri found me and changed me but he wouldn't tell me why."
"I'm sorry, Ellie. That's awful. You should try and make things up with Rosalie though. You have more in common than you think."
"What do you mean?"
"I have to get back to Bella. See you later." He stood up kissed my forehead and then ran back to Bella.


Shoutout to: @swell_michelle 💖💖💖

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