Chapter 9 - Bear

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I arrived back in America but this time not in New York. I was in Florida. Florida was way to sunny for me to stay in so I travelled north until I reached South Carolina. Here it was cloudier and I could stay out in public when I wanted to. I stayed there for about a year.

Next I travelled east to Tennessee. It was also cloudy here so it was a good place for me to stay.

During my first week in Tennessee, I robbed a bank so I could have some money when I needed to buy anything. I bought some new clothes and placed them in my rucksack with the dresses I had bought in Rochester.

Most of the time however, I stayed away from people. I mainly spent my time in a national park with a small town named Glatinburg at its feet.

I loved the food in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. There were many elk which satisfied but I wouldn't choose them if there was another option. The national park was home to mountain lions and grey wolves and though there weren't vast numbers, it was also home to grizzly bears.

They were my favourite and were the best to fight. Sometimes I used my power but I could not always be bothered. It's not like I'd loose either way. Their teeth did not make a mark on me yet my teeth easily tore through their flesh. I didn't want to devastate the population so I only killed a few.

One day I was walking through the trees when I came across a dead grizzly bear. I'd never come across a bear in this park that was already dead. Nothing here, except me, could take down one of the grizzlies.

I approached it cautiously though I wasn't sure why. It's not like an animal could spring out from behind it and attack me.

It was strange. There was no sign of injury on the bear other than a broken neck. No open wounds, not even a scratch. No animal would have killed it this way. Then I smelt the blood. There were large splatters of blood covering the ground yet I knew it wasn't from the bear.

I realised, from its scent, that it was human. It made my throat burn; it was fresh. I drank the bear dry and once my thirst was under control I caught the scent of something else. Two scents actually.

Vampires. They weren't scents I recognised but then I hadn't met very many vampires. All I knew is that they weren't from the Volturi (good) and they weren't Eleazar or Carmen.

They must have taken the human's body after feeding from it. I didn't want to risk meeting the vampires, so I ran in the opposite direction than where the scents led.

I stayed in Tennessee for another 5 years before travelling north-east to North Carolina. The food there was also good and had a wide range like Tennessee. I stayed there for 7 years.

The world had gone to war 2 years before I left North Carolina. I heard it was the second time though I didn't remember the first; I had been young. I hid in the forests like usual during this time. Human wars seemed silly to me. One vampire could destroy an entire human army.

I fancied a change after North Carolina. Even though the state I was moving to next was sunnier, it didn't matter because I planned to stay out of sight and only come out at night. I wanted to visit every state in America though that could be hard with the sun. My next stop was Texas.


Shoutout to: @sunbunn02 💕💕💕

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