Chapter 11 - Kyle

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I spent the following day with Kyle. We went for a walk in a park and it was beautiful. It was a good day overall and I stayed at his again that night.

The day after I spent with Kyle again. We spent the day at the house as it was sunny, though I didn't tell him that was the reason. I'd suggested a movie day so the curtains were closed meaning no light could reach me.

That night I returned to the house, somewhat reluctantly, as I felt I needed to go back, that's what I told Kyle anyway. The truth was I needed to hunt as I hadn't in over a week and Kyle was beginning to smell pretty tempting. And killing Kyle would not be good for either of us.

Everyone was at the house when I got back. Alice greeted me with a hug as soon as I was through the door.

"How was everything?" She asked me as we sat down on one of the sofas with either others sat around the room.
"Don't pretend you weren't looking, Alice," I teased, narrowing my eyes at her.
"I can't help it!" She exclaimed. "Plus I was looking out in case anything went wrong, I'd was sunny after all."
"I know. Thanks, I guess. I really need to hunt though."
"I'll come with you," Jasper offered. "I haven't hunted in awhile either.

With that we both set off, running to the forest.

We were silent during our hunt. I guess Jasper just wanted to keep an eye on me in case I did anything weird.

The next few weeks passed slowly. I got back into my old routine of: Draw, hunt, read, music, paint, compose, violin.

Only this time, Kyle was there to break it up. Every time I saw Kyle, I was happy again. When I was away from him, I could only think about Edward and how I may never see or talk to him again.

I tried to text Edward. I started off just by saying 'Hey'. He read it, didn't answer.

Next I apologised. Again he saw it but didn't answer.

I asked what I did wrong, he ignored it.

I asked how to fix it, no answer.

I asked him to talk to me, to message me, anything. Contact someone else at least. I just needed to know why he was mad at me.

He read all my messages yet I never got one reply.

I started to tell him about what was happening each day. What I drew or painted, what I read, what I hunted, what I did with Kyle.

He didn't answer but he couldn't say I wasn't trying. I just needed to make it clear I wanted to talk to him since last time I had also been mad at him.

I went out with Kyle around every other day. Today we were going out to a park. I lit up when I heard him pull up outside my house and hurried out to meet him.

I rushed over to him and wrapped my arms around him. He embraced me back before pulling away and giving me a quick kiss.

"You ready?" He asked as we both got in the car.
"Yep," I nodded. "I've brought the food." Downside of going out with Kyle: I had to eat.

It was disgusting. Every time I had to take a bite it was a struggle to keep the grimace off my face. It was even worse when I stayed round his since I had to discreetly go outside so I could throw up.

We drove to the park chatting about random things. I loved spending time with Kyle. I hoped he liked spending time with me as much as I liked being with him.

It didn't take long to get to the park.

Once we were out the car, Kyle took the pin I basket from me so I wouldn't have to carry it. I protested since it would be no problem for me to carry it with my extra strength but, of course, I couldn't tell him that so Kyle carried the basket.

He took my hand as we walked through the park. It was a beautiful place. We came across a few animals though once they saw me they fled, especially the deer we saw. I hoped Kyle didn't notice.

After walking for awhile we sat down on a blanket I spread out on the grass.

I took out all the food (a range of sandwiches and other finger foods) and we began to eat.

After a few minutes Kyle said: "There's something I want to talk to you about." Oh no.
"What's that?" I asked trying hide the nervousness in my voice.  What was he going to say.

"Erm...I know we haven't known each other very long, about two months now isn't it?, but I have enjoyed every minute I have spent with you during that time. I feel like we have a connection unlike anything I've ever felt before and I do really like you." He took a deep breath. Where was this going? "If you think it's too soon or you want to say no, then I understand, but I was wondering would like to be my girlfriend?" I gasped.

Kyle rubbed the back of his neck with his hand looking slightly embarrassed. My eyes sparkled with joy. I couldn't believe he'd just asked me to be his girlfriend! My very first boyfriend. Wow.

"Yes," I answered. His eyes met mine and they were wide with disbelief. "Yes, Kyle, I'll be your girlfriend."

Then he kissed me. It wasn't not like any of our kisses before. It was full of passion and love.

I pulled away first but only by a centimetre so my lips were still almost against his. "I love you, Kyle," I whispered. His eyes widened further and after a short moment he whispered back: "I love you too, Eliana." Then we kissed again.


That night when he dropped me home, I was in a happy daze. I was met by Alice as soon as I was through the door.

"What?" I asked not having heard what Alice said.
"I said 'So you and Kyle are official, huh?"
"Yeah we are," I said dreamily and drifted up the stairs to my bedroom.

I took out my sketch pad and pencils and began to draw Kyle and I together. I didn't have any of my old drawings as they were all still on my bedroom wall at the house back in Forks.

It didn't take me long to finish. I didn't rip it out the pad in the hope one day, and soon, we'd return to Forks so I could put it on the wall with my other drawings.

It was the first time I had felt trusty and utterly happy on a long time with no thoughts of my brother intruding on this perfect moment.

I loved Kyle and he loved me. In that moment, life couldn't have been better.


So sorry for the wait. I thought I'd updated more recently than I had.

Just want to say thank you to everyone who is reading this and knowing you continue to read even after waiting makes we want to write more often it's just this New Moon section is harder for me to write.

Anyway hope you enjoyed that chapter.

What do you think of Ellie and Kyle as an official couple?

Let me know any thoughts of have on anything.

Thanks again. Xx

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